When Five hugged her, she suddenly forgot that she was even an android for a moment. [i]H-he... hugged me...[/i] She thought with a copious amount of confusion before he tottered off without her. She could easily track him if she wanted to, but he seemed to be just fine on his own. If he had wanted her assistance, then he may have made a motion. [i]But what if someone comes looking for him? If he does research, then someone must be looking for him. Maybe then I can find someone to be with. I don't like wandering alone out here.[/i] She noticed that he was no longer in sight and even though she ran to catch up with him, she couldn't find him to save her life. [i]Maybe my tracking programs aren't as good as I thought they were... or perhaps it's because I'm technically not on the grid.[/i] These thoughts continued to haunt her as she made her way back towards the housing area. This place was a little sketchier than she had believed they would be. That's when she heard voices shouting over one another. [i]Perhaps they are in danger?[/i] The frequency of the sound waves indicated that they were fearful, angry, or saddened. She started walking towards the crowd of homeless people and stopped just outside of the circle. They were cursing each other and trying to tell the others what would happen if another rebellion rose up. That's when she became confused. A rebellion? That was not programmed into her history or any past events that were vital to the survival of the human race. A police siren was heard in the distance and she quickly darted into the mix of the homeless, hardly blending in with her perfect complexion, her unblemished skin, and her perfectly curled red hair. Every bit of her being screamed android, especially the small symbol below her right ear that indicated her model number. She stood beside another girl, who had appeared to be silent the entire discussion, and when she spoke of how the police seemed angry, she looked over to her. Bright eyes that held fear spoke more words than she. "Indeed, they are angry as well as confused. The message from earlier has them on their highest guard." Her voice was steady and rhythmic, just like any other android would speak. "What's an android doing here?" One of the children asked. A middle-aged woman held the child closer to her, as if protecting her from the android. "Perhaps it's here to make sure we don't start a rebellion ourselves." "I-I am not here to prevent you--" Amira tried to say, but she stepped back before the woman could throw anything at her.