The sun was too bright and everybody was looking at him. Rudolfo sat down and crossed his legs, his bones creaking in the process. "I'll be fine" he mumbled to himself as he looked out at his troops, all young, stupid, and impressionable; his "Bear" included. "If only I were forty years younger..." he grumbled.

The veteran slowly turned his head toward Gnarl. "Before you say anything" Rudolfo started "I'm gonna volunteer to watch the keep and protect the queen." Rudolfo used his sword as a cane to pick himself of the ground. He scanned through the masses of boars looking for those who were blatantly new and unbroken recruits. He knew in his heart that those were the ones who would... have the mot fun.

"Gnarl. Form for me two squads of your newest members. One of those squads stays with me over here to guard the keep. The rest will go with you." Rudolfo explained. In his head, he had formulated some kind of plan, not as much to handle the raiders, only to train his troops. "Keep your best men here to do as they please. It'd be a waste otherwise."

Rudolfo stroked his chin. "Now where's the Queen? I need to speak with her directly regarding our keep and my troops."