[quote=Dragonbud][/quote] Amira had backed away and lodged herself in a precarious place between several rustic and rather unsanitary looking crates. They began to whisper about what they could do with her, each of the options making her eyes widen in fear. [i]I should have just stayed in that shop. I should have never thought that this is someplace I could belong as an equal.[/i] Her thoughts were jumbled and making her more and more confused. Just before she could say anything about any of their suggestions, the woman that she had stood next to in the heated discussion stood on top of a crate and began to stick up for her. Well, as best as she could while keeping the trust of the other homeless people, or so Amira had deducted. Her bright eyes looked into the girl's own as she said, "Please, call me Amira." She stated this in a gentle and smooth-as-silk tone of voice. "I know nothing of any rebellion, whether it be one of future or past." She looked down at her feet for a moment before looking up at the crowd, their hungry eyes were craving some satisfaction of getting something from her. "I have no master or mistress. I am simply a wanderer. I have not come to harm anyone or take anything from you. If anything, I guess we could say we're equals when it comes to running from the police. If they find me, I will be disposed of as if I am nothing more than trash." She then looked back to the child before stating, "The police are angry and just as confused as we are. I'm sure that they are trying to figure out who hacked into the government's systems and put that message up for all to see." Her voice quivered with fear for a single moment, "So please, allow me to help all of you to the best of my abilities. I may simply be a household android, built for nothing more than to keep a happy and healthy household, but I do feel like I need to protect others in this time." She bowed to the entire group. "So please, allow me to assist you in any way that I can manage."