Misty raised an eyebrow at the man, not having any idea what a baka was, but assuming it was a general term for woman, or something pretty negative. She could only imagine. But she was used to being called numerous names. Most often bitch, but never stupid. So when that word slipped from the man’s mouth, she gritted her teeth, narrowing her eyes but not saying anything. That was, until he threw the blanket in her face. Then she yelled a very profane word that followed with ‘you’ but it was muffled by the blanket until she shook her head to get it off. Nasty thing. [b]”I’ll talk to anyone however I please. I AM MISTY CRAVENS AND I OWN YOU ALL!”[/b] she shouted angrily, thin face looking devilish as she spoke. The man slammed the door shut though, and she was left to stew in the darkness of the van. Time passed, and Misty still felt the fire of fury in her belly, but her face had smooth mostly. She still looked clearly displeased, but not unhuman in the contortions of her face. After a bit the door opened and she blinked rapidly at the light, but did not shy from it. Once her eyes began to adjust, she noticed the man from before, laying down and reading. Then smoking. In a closed van. She coughed animatedly and rolled her eyes. Idiot. She wasn’t paying him any attention after that until he spoke. Then she looked at him with raised brow, listening to his story. [b]”Feel better now?”[/b] she asked snidely when he was done. Or at least she thought he was. Until he scoffed and shrugged, and asked if she had a family. She laughed a bit bitterly at that. [b]”I have no husband. Or children. Do I look like someone’s fat mother? Do you think I have time to play wifey to some lazy ass husband? Besides, I don’t deal with androids,”[/b] she muttered, sighing softly, a hint of annoyance in her voice. [b]”Don’t trust them. Of course, I’m sure you’ve probably never even seen an android up close, street rat,”[/b] she said with a sneer, but still not looking at him. He was just annoying her now.