Five only powered down for a few minutes when his microphones picked up a noise, running a power diagnostic he found that he was at 53% charge, [i]that will be sufficient for the moment[/i]. He let his body slowly start to power up, his cooling fans came to life first, lazily whirring as his body wasn't under enough stress for it to need major amounts of cooling. Slowly his vision returned his HUD turning on first and giving him information about himself and the world around him, then his camera turned on. He was taken aback for a moment, his fans cutting off in surprise. "well lookie wha' we 'ave 'ere." said the rough voice of the man in front of him, he was clearly living on the streets, his clothes worn and dirty and his face pock marked with acne scars, "the robo' from the ads." A group of other vagrants snuggeres behind him as he turned around to look at them, "I bet your worth a pre'y penny." The vagrant brought his foot to the front of Five's head Five reeled over backwards as the shock hit his system and forcibly powered him down. Five felt himself being dragged across the floor, he didn't actually feel it but he felt the motion and heard the sound of parting gravel as he was pulled through it. His remaining camera had turned on revealing a large white split in his vision where his lens was cracked. He was being dragged by his arms and across the ground, his back ti the floor and face pointing towards the digital sky, he looked around and found that they were in the rough part of Providence, it had always existed, even when he was first built. After a few minutes of dragging and non-sensical chatter about money Five found himself I'm a wide open area filled with loud people. "oy! Looks wha' I've found!" he the vagrant shouted out, addressing the congregation of poor people, "that robo' from the ads!", as he said it a sharp cracking sound echoed through the slums and his screen flashed a message, Right Shoulder: Critical damage. His head snapped to the right and he found that the man had slammed a hammer on it, Five started to struggle and the vagrants started to go at him with blunt objects. After a few seconds of beating and wild laughing his screen was full of damage reports and his HUD was glitching out from multiple head injuries.