[Center]Tom Richards[/Center] Kera and Tom climbed into their cruiser and headed the direction Five had gone. They weren't sure if they'd continue to be able to track him once passed where he had left marks, but they could hope. It took them nearly an hour to find the one particular house he had wandered into. By then he was already gone. What they did hear though was a commotion. "What do you think?" Kera asked Tom. "I think the bot came here for some repairs." He pointed to the disturbed tools. "And then I think he was dragged off, or dragged himself off." Tom led Kera along the path in the gravel. "I suspect that a bunch of low lives are just beyond that building, and that is the commotion we hear." Kera raised an eyebrow at Tom. "You know I suspect you're right." [Center]Tessa - Dex's home[/center] Tessa listened to Dex's deal. At first she pushed the water back and forth between her hands, not trusting it. She'd have a place to sleep. Food? Water? Not someone she could trust that was for sure. He clearly just admitted that what she had heard was true. He was a criminal, but then again so was she. In Providence it was hard to rid that stain from yourself. What terrified Tessa though was this guy wanted her help finding someone in Hark. She knew only a couple. The few that chased her, shot at her, nearly arrested her. Jaques words warned her against making this friend, no she could call this guy a friend. But if she didn't help him, he had a gun and could call Hark with ease. He wasn't wanted. In fact dealing with her put him at more risk than not. Keeping her here made him an accessory to her own alleged crime. So whatever he wanted with that Hark guy he must want it bad. Tessa opened the water and took a deep swig. After she swallowed she said, "My name is Tessa. I'll help you, if you help me. I need to get out of the city." Would he help her? She honestly didn't think it mattered. He had the upper hand, he didn't have to take the deal if he didn't want, but if he said yes that meant he was at least somewhat of a decent person. Unless he was lying. There was always that option. Jaques had said to assume everyone was lying, but act as if you believed them. Let the other party think they had the upper hand, and be prepared for the worst. Tessa was.