Louisa smiled at the girl robot, who gave her a name. "Amira...that's not a name I would have given you but it's pretty cool." Louisa hopped off the orange crate, walking towards Amira with an outstretched horribly grubby, hand. "My name's Louisa, but most of the people around here call me Lou." Louisa studied the strange android closely. She thought that all robots were supposed to be emotionless and have monotone voices. This one seemed differently. When the homeless people were threatening her she looked scared. She listened to what the android said, her eyes filling with excitement. "So someone hacked into the government's message systems..." Her voiced trailed off as she paced around the homeless area, being mindful of the scraps and rocks on the ground. Louisa quickly turned back to the android, grinning widely. "That's totally cool!" The other homeless seemed to be silent as Louisa confidently to the android. Many of them had mixed expressions, varying from distrust to flat out ravenous stares. Leave it to a child to be able to speak with a strange robot. Louisa was about to answer Amira's request to help the homeless, when suddenly more powerful voices spoke over her. More homeless people, ones that lived with the group, and they were dragging something behind them. Another android. "From the ad?" Louisa asked in a mix of excitement and disbelief. She quickly left Amira in her corner to see the damaged robot. "Move outta the way!" Louisa said, trying to wedge herself between the homeless men to get a look at the strange android. The young girl crouched down, looking over the robot. "It's all beaten up." Louisa stated, poking the robots 'head' as she spoke. "Is it...dead?"