[center][b]ValentÃn[/b][/center] [center][IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/33bk6za.jpg[/IMG][/center] [b]"Mother...as you said...it has started..."[/b], Vale said to the walls, his voice monotone and empty. His beautiful face was partly shrouded by some of his hair rolling over into his eyes. However, he didn't seem to care and made no gesture to move it. He walked up to the wall slowly, gently placing his delicate fingertips onto the cemented slabs of stone and began sliding his fingers across its frame, etching around any paintings that might have been in his way. [b]"Ah, yes....of course mother...she is doing just fine..."[/b], he continued in an eerie tone, taking a moment to acknowledge a particular painting in front of him with his glazed eyes. He tilted his head and stared at it, as if he was hearing its thoughts. He slowly swiveled around and oddly glared as a young maiden girl came into his room and informed him of the raiders who had begun an attack. [b]"Master, a band of of raiders have begun an attack. Would you like me to bring the guards to your position for protection?"[/b], she said to him in an awkward and unsettled tone, making sure to keep her distance from him by remaining by the door. It was quite normal for people to be afraid or leery of him. His beautiful, yet ominous persona made everyone unsteady. He glided his hand to his bangs, and slowly maneuvered them out of his face to have a better look at her. His eyes were pearly and lonely as he responded in a low and ghostly tone. [b]"Hmmm...guards you say? The guards are never around when the darkness comes. So....they are not needed now either...The walls say they will provide all the protection I need"[/b], he spoke, eerily looking around in a daze as though the maiden were not really even in his presence. She looked at him once more and bowed awkwardly, and all she could muster was, [b]"Of course Nightingale."[/b], before quickly scurrying away from his room. [b]"Nightingale....pretty..."[/b], he mumbled to himself. Reaching over to his dresser and picking up his book, [I][u]The Road to Bastion[/u][/I], he made his way out of his room at a snail pace, slowly etching along like an empty vessel being pulled by strings. His body moved awkwardly and his attention didn't seem to follow any particular direction, though, his feet seemed to be the ones directing him. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [b]"On and on the road does go, Down into the depth below..." "Off you went to call the king, You wish to hear the Devil sing..."[/b], he began to sing, his hauntingly beautiful voice echoing throughout the corridor. This sequence of the same song went on repeatedly, and as he passed by, many guards who were posted on duty found themselves peculiarly entranced and scared for their lives at the same time. [b]"What in the devil possessed him?"[/b], one of them mumbled. [b]"No clue, but he sure is beautiful."[/b], the other whispered back. Having finally reached his destination, the ghostly song seized and Vale slid his slinky hands through the crack of the opened door, slowly pushing it open as his gaze landed on the Queen. A smile managed to spread upon his countenance as he looked upon her as she was going through some papers. With one hand gripping his book and the other pressed against the cold wall, he slowly slid his body into her room and spoke in a low and almost, child-like tone. [b]"My lady, mother has told me to come to you on her behalf. She wanted me to inform you of the raiders who have attacked...but...it seems as though you are already aware of this performance. Have you settled on which path you would like to go down?"[/b], he said in a worshipping like tone. His infatuation with the Queen, albeit a little weird, was sincere and protective no less. He held his head low as his long hair flowed over his face. He remained silent until she would acknowledge him.