Amira accepted the tiny, grubby hand that was offered to her and shook it. The android's hand being programmed to have a similar temperature to that of a human's. She gave the girl a smile, "I didn't choose my name, either. I was simply programmed with it. They can't name all of us Kara and Alexandra." Then again, they probably would if people weren't afraid of mistaking their android's name for another. People were picky about that. She was actually rather pleased to have a name that no other android would have, at least none in her model. Then the girl introduced herself as Louisa. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lou. I think that it is a lovely name." Then the girl began to get excited about the government being hacked. "Y-you shouldn't be happy about that. It could lead to disaster if our government is torn down. Anarchy will destroy our fragile world." The words that slipped from her lips were monotone and she felt as if they had been programmed into her. [i]Yes... those were words that I was told to say if something like this were mentioned. I do care if the government is attacked, but... by the looks of these people, it may be for the best.[/i] "It may be cool, but think of what may happen to our entire cyber system. Androids would be shut down left and right. We could also lose our food plantations." Just then, the girl turned to the noise that was growing closer by the second. Another ruckus had begun among the homeless. She stood on her toes in curiosity and saw what everyone was fussing over. She gasped loudly enough that she could be heard throughout the entire group. Pushing her way through the sickly and skinny crowd, she made her way to stand next to Louisa. She gently took the girl's hand and said, "Please don't treat my friend like this." She then knelt down beside Five and began to assess his damage. "Why would you guys do this?" She looked angered as she glared up at the homeless folks that had brought him over to the group. "He has done nothing to you." She then grabbed one of her hands and snapped it in one twist. She winced, though she felt no pain, and then tugged at a couple of the wires that poked through the metal and plastic. Taking a couple of wires that could be seen through the cracked metal, she tore them and then her own before pressing them together. That's when she felt some of her power begin to drain as she forced it to enter his wires. [i]Please don't let this be in vain...[/i] She thought darkly as she focused on giving him some of her power.