Shuo unclenched his jaw once The volley of grenades actually started flying. If he kept his teeth together there was a good chance they would all vibrate and destroy each other. He learned that lesson the hard way during the war after a bit of close air support. Shuo as quickly as possible drew all of his suits power out of just about every system in his suit and dumped them into his shields just incase some of these soldiers weren't the best throwers. However this effort seemed in vain as the little power in his HUD tracked all the grenades start to cluster even though they had all been thrown at different trajectories. It took another moment for Shuo to process that one of the magic users amongst them was changing their paths. He couldn't quite remember who the dossiers said could do that off the top of his head but he supposed it wasn't really important right now. Once the various pieces of ordnance detonated and rattled Shuo he closed his mouth and stepped into the breach once again. He moved quickly while keeping his weapon sweeping left to right trying to see if any had survived the explosion. Once he made it to the now hole in the ground he found one Female Masulu who's lower half had been scorched away shaking uncontrollably and bleeding from her horribly burned face. For a moment he wondered if she had served in the war, and even more what lead her to betray their people. What cause would draw someone away from the proliferation of their people throughout the galaxy? Shuo filed the thought away rather quickly however and put a shot into the dying Masulu. He then quickly turned on his heels and crouched near a rather thin looking box behind an even thinner railing. He saw the squad moving in his direction as he set up his firing position. He reached his thumb into a crevice near the barrel of the weapon and depressed a button. The weapon began to stretch along the barrel and a large white shard with one end that was flat popped out of the gun. Shuo looked down the newly formed scope and the fundamentally new weapon. The weapon was specially made for his type of suit as the two projects had been developed in tandom mainly to increase the operational efficiency of any unit this suit was given to. He looked down the sight and saw the rebels begin to round the corner. One just managed to slip under his cross hairs but the next one to round the corner of large boxes found themselves with 3 highly concerated and condensed lines of plasma melting through atleast one of their many major organs. This dropped what appeared to be a Tempu clad with a armor and a heavy machine gun. The bounding creature collapsed and slid a bit in the direction it was heading and then stopped moving entirely. Shuo quickly lined up another shot where they were coming from but he had to wait a moment for his weapon to cool down. Just as his weapon came off cooldown three diffrent species darted out from behind the box and made a run for it. He picked the one carrying the biggest gun and repeated his 3 clustered shots. Once again he appered to have killed his target but now he changed his shot pattern. He swiveled back and forth now making sure to mind his weapons heat and tried to keep as many rounds as he could down range. He then yelled over his speakers. "Move like you want to live!"