[b]Name:[/b] Project Masquerade, Geb. [b]Alias:[/b] Mudslide [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Abilities/Skills:[/b] [b]1.[/b] Geb is a expert when comes to plant and animal life. He has an extinctive knowledge of most of the flora and fauna on the planet, though this may be the only real field of knowledge he is any good at. [b]2.[/b] Geb is skilled in up close combat, mainly boxing, easily out matching a unskilled opponent. Though do to his powers he rarely sees the need for the skill. [b]3.[/b] Though Geb isn't a highly intelligent person he does excel in the art of acting, convincing almost anyone of his outlandish lies. [b]Powers:[/b] Geb has the ability to mold his body into almost any shape he can think of do to the fact he is made of clay, like his "father" Clayface. He can mimic the form of other people, even matching the sound of their voice, and stretch his appendages to great lengths. Also since he has no bones he can bend his body in inhuman ways. He has of yet to be able to grow in any great deal like Clayface, who easily stands at 12 feet. Though his strength is much higher than the average human, lifting up to ten tons, he hasn't unlocked the full strength of Clayface. He has shown no sign of having the poisonous touch that Clayface posses. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [b]1.[/b] Extremely low temperatures can hinder his shape shifting ability to the point that it traps him into whatever form he is in at the moment. In extreme cases freezes him solid [b]2.[/b] High voltages of electricity will cause him to revert back into his clay form, normally just a puddle of it, for a period of time. He is most vulnerable while in this form do to having to focuses to keep from completely falling apart. [b]3.[/b] Do to Geb's lack of concentration he is known to shape shift unwilling, most of the time at the most embracing moments. [b]Equipment:[/b] [b]1.[/b] At all times he carries a serum that helps him keep up a normal appearance until he wants to shape shift. He has to take it every seven hours or he is known to get a bit "melty". [b]2.[/b] Since he is a living weapon he doesn't tend to use any tools beside his powers. Though his favorite choice in battle seems to be to turn his hands to two large mallets. [b]Personality:[/b] Despite his up bringing and heritage Geb is a rather pleasant and caring person. He is know to crack jokes with others, if they are funny is another story. He is a rather simple person, not a complete idiot I have you just not too bright. He is very protective of his friends, of strangers as well for that matter. He is known for talking a person's ear off when it comes to nature. Though when ever the topic of his past comes up he tends to either to immediately change the topic or end the conversation all together. [b]History:[/b] Being the product of LexCorp's dream of making the world's perfect spy Geb was created from the modified DNA of Earth's deadliest shape shifter, Clayface. Geb's first memory was that of being in a test tube, a experience he still has nightmares about. Geb's, or Project Masquerade as he was dubbed by the scientists that created him, childhood was spent doing nothing but learning how to infiltrate an organization, gather the desired information and disappear without a trace. He was also trained in some basic combat skills, though it was quickly ended when his powers manifested. He often asked his handlers questions, such as why he break into places or why he was different, but he was always either ignored or put back into his holding area, which was a 5 foot by 5 foot box made of glass. It wasn't until he was tasked with breaching WayneTech , at the age of ten, that he ran into trouble. He was apprehended by Batman who assumed him to be Clayface. After revealing who he was and a failed attempt at escape he was given the choice of helping Batman bring down the wing of LexCorp that had made him. He quickly accepted and worked with Batman for several months to bring down his creators. The time since he has worked a form of vigilante in Gotham, partly to stay near Batman and in the hopes of meeting his "father" Clayface. [b]Appearance:[/b] Though Geb can shape shift to mimic anyone's appearance his favorite form seems to be a 6'1 pale skinned teenager with short brown hair that look like he weights 150 pounds. The only non human quality this form has is it's pitch black eyes. [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/077/b/4/dishonored__the_void_by_baconada-d5yhc27.jpg[/img] When Geb is in his true form, which is quite rare, he appears to be a 6'3 greyish brown mound of clay in the shape of a human. He has no real features in this form except for two eye sockets and a mouth that normally dissolves until he talks. [url=http://s1369.photobucket.com/user/jordanlair5/media/Clayface_zps4c93f375.jpg.html][img]http://i1369.photobucket.com/albums/ag231/jordanlair5/Clayface_zps4c93f375.jpg[/img][/url] [b]Other:[/b] The reason he goes by Geb is because he feels that since he is clay he can relate to the Egyptian god of earth. On a side note Geb has no taste buds.