[b]Dex - Still at Home - Tessa[/b] As the girl noted to be named Tessa began to reveal her terms for the agreement, Dex frowned. His eyebrows squeezed together with irritation. He walked up next to her, gun in his belt and looked down upon Tessa. "I don't think you're in any place to negotiate" he stated. "And anyway, you go out there you're as good as dead" he added as he headed back to the fridge, opening the door wife and staring at the emptiness. He too out a beer and popped open the lid. It made a quick fuzz noise he hadn't heard in four years. He smirked in delight as he took a small sip, enjoying the taste and delicacyof the fluid. After finishing it, he threw the can away in the trash can next to the sink. "Alright, were heading out, c'mon, get up" he said, taking her by the arm and pulling her to her feet - off his chair. "That way, walk" he commanded, pushing her towards the garage. Once inside, he flipped the light on and before them stood two vehicles. There was a hover car - more SUV shaped than car. And next to that was an impressive 20th century Triumph Bonneville, chopped down into a bobber with a king-queen seat without a backrest. It had saddle bags, terrain tires for dual sport situations and extended ape hangers. "My baby!" He yelled with joy as he mounted as though it was his first time. "Ah how much I miss this thing. It was passed down through generations. I'll be the last to own it" he said as his mood suddenly changed. "Shit. Go get me the keys, they're in the little lockbox in the bedroom" he pointed. The lockbox was next to various pictures of him in his wife along worth others of Elisa - the 'malfunctioned' android. They were an ordinary family until luck didn't go their way. Everything they had build was torn down by one single Hark operator - though he was not wearing his name tag that day. All Dex remembers is the guy's face, his height, body shape, eye color, hair color. He knew just enough to find him, but he couldn't do it alone. So after she brought back the key, they'd head off to see an old friend if Dex's.