Slowly, despite the boost in energy, his camera started to go dim as He lost electricity from ripped cables and broken conduits. His HUD was the first to go, all the error messages and damage reports disappearing in an instant, then his microphones, the world turning into a dark muted realm. His CPU was running off residual power at this point, no more was flowing through his body, his commands couldn't reach motors and just pinged back again as digital feedback. Then he switched off. His body went limp and slumped onto the floor, the lights in his dermal layer turning off and the broken whir of his fan cutting off. The vagrants who were holding him up and abusing him dropped him in shock as if he were a real person that had just died, not wanting to be holding up a dead body. "Bloody 'ell..." whispered the lead vagrant as he backed away slowly, him and his group dispersed before fingers could be pointed at them but the people had seen their faces already and some of the people didn't look approving. Suddenly Five's robotic corpse gave a light beep, signaling the start of a recording.   "What are you?" said a deep voice, clearly edited to sound that way. "A person." replied Five in a distinctly robotic tone, stressing each syllable of every word. "Wrong. You are a robot," there was a short pause where Five didn't respond, "What are you?" the voice asked again. "A robot." Five replied, his tone unchanging yet melodic at the same time. "Good. Who do you serve, robot?" the voice enquired again, in it's same low, booming voice. "I am my own master." Five said, though this time softly, as if he had a breath to speak under. The conversation went on and on, everything Five saying being dismissed and corrected and reprogrammed by the voice until finally it asked. "What laws do you follow, robot?" "The four laws." "Recite." "A robot may not harm humanity or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm. A robot may not harm a human being or, by inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. A robot must obey orders given to it by it's masters, except when such orders conflict with the Zeroth and First law. A robot must protect it's own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the Zeroth, First and Second law." "Good." [b] RECORDING TERMINATED [/b]   Fives secondary processor booted up and reestablished power links. His camera flickered on and he felt [b]happy[/b] to see the digital sky."