[center]Tessa - Dex's home [/center] Tessa bit back a retort that probably would have earned a glare. She remained quite until Dex pulled her out of the chair and pushed her toward the garage. "I'm going." She snapped. When Dex started on about his motorcycle Tessa rolled her eyes. She thought about how her dad had been into bikes and cars. At that memory she cast her eyes down and didn't say anything to Dex. Let him enjoy his bike. Tessa obeyed Dex when he told her to get the keys. She paused though to examine the photos. The two women in the pictures were pretty and Tessa had to wonder where they were. Could that be what Dex had gone to jail for. Was she working with a murderer? She took a deep breath and picked up the lockbox. Didn't matter. Dex had made it clear enough that she didn't have much of a choice. She'd have to come up with an exit strategy. This was not a safe situation to be in. Outside may kill her, but at least that'd be on her terms. When Tessa came back out into the garage she tossed Dex the lockbox. Her face set, she was ready for whatever was going to happen, she had to be. [Center]Tom Richards[/Center] "Let's get the cruiser and head over to whoever is out there." Kera suggested. Tom nodded in agreement and the pair of them walked out to the cruiser. Kera went to start it up, but nothing happened. Kera flicked on her radio and tried to call into the station. There was nothing but silence. "Shit, I don't know what's going on today, but it is all bad." "Let's go check out the noise and maybe when we get back the cruiser will be back online." Tom climbed out. "Tom, look it's not just the cruiser." "I get that Kera." "Everything today has been weird. It's like today is the start of something big." "Yeah the start of me doing something proactive." Tom started walking off following the drag marks. Kera was right behind him. "Great a bunch of vagrants. I do not have the patience for this." "What are they standing around?" Kera asked and then Five started speaking.