Raina looked over as a man announced they’d better have said their goodbyes. [b]”I believe we did… just not for 200 years,”[/b] she said with a weak smirk, licking her lips and eyes blinking rapidly. This was not in the plan at all. A rather fit looking black man awakened next, seeming much more quiet than the other man, and asking how they got down. [b]”Umm…”[/b] Raina breathed, looking confused. Were they supposed to do anything? Obviously something had gone wrong and made their pods change to 200 years, but would the ship also not guide itself down? It did awaken them eventually, so something was working. It was all just rather odd. A female voice finally interrupted her thoughts… a Marine. Raina just looked at the girl with a bit of a side eye, considering she though most of those in the armed forces were barbaric, and stupid for blindly following orders. She put on a very convincing fake smile though, and shook her head. [b]”No sweetie, we don’t,”[/b] she said, her tone still managing to be just a slight bit condescending. And oh great, another one. He looked particularly angry, as was his tone, and so she avoided even interacting with him. Instead she looked to the first man she’d approached, who had apparently woken first. No one else seemed to know anything after all. He didn’t really, but at least he said something besides [i]What happened?[/i] for the fiftieth time. Raina’s eyes flickered to the unopened pods, shrugging ever so slightly. They had no idea if those in those pods had thawed and died along the way, or were still frozen and would not be awakened properly for another 200 hundred years… either way, the prospect didn’t appeal to her to go messing with them. She didn’t have to wonder long before the man said that the ones in those pods were dead, making Raina portray sadness, as she figured that was appropriate, shaking her head mournfully. [b]”Wait until something happens?”[/b] Raina repeated, looking at the man like he was just a bit off his rocker. Tyler introduced himself after Thomas and she shook her head at his suggestion. She felt too energized. Like she’d been asleep so long and now all her body wanted to do was be awake. [b]”I can’t just sit around doing nothing after doing that for 200 years… apparently,”[/b] she mumbled the last word. [i]Thud. Thud. Thud.[/i] Raina spun around on nimble feet, looking down the rows of pods. The thudding came again with a muffled voice and she walked briskly towards it. She came to a pod where hands were smacking the glass and she frowned, studying the outside of the pod. [b]”Hmm… calm down, calm down,”[/b] she muttered irritably, before finding an emergency red button on the pod, and pressing it. The glass slid up rapidly and a fairly average looking woman was within. [b]”There, better?”[/b] Raina said with a bit of a chuckle before walking back over towards the rest of the group. [b]”Oh right… intros… I’m Raina Long.”[/b]