Fillydelphia born and raised. Useful, I guess, but she didn’t hint at anything else. No use pressing without leads, Snapshot thought. “By, ‘all of Equestria,’ you mean, even a place like Cloudsdale or Upper Los Pegasus?” he asked as he observed, likely for the umpteenth time, that Spring had no wing. Neither did anypony else he’d seen so far, almost as though the pegasi in Fillydelphia made an effort to segregate themselves. Shortly after Snapshot had finished speaking, the waiter from before arrived with a platter balanced on his head.
“Here you are, Miss, Mister. Your drinks and sandwiches, just as ordered, I would hope,” he said as he cleanly slid the platter onto the table.
“It looks right to me,” Snapshot mumbled as he poked at the reddish bread and checked the plant fillings. Not that I would notice without the sense of taste. He cared much more for his plain glass of sparkling water, which, with hardly a sip, lit up every system inside him. He immediately perked up, perhaps in a bit too conspicuous a fashion as the love-laced drink gave him far more energy than he had held in months.
“Here you are, Miss, Mister. Your drinks and sandwiches, just as ordered, I would hope,” he said as he cleanly slid the platter onto the table.
“It looks right to me,” Snapshot mumbled as he poked at the reddish bread and checked the plant fillings. Not that I would notice without the sense of taste. He cared much more for his plain glass of sparkling water, which, with hardly a sip, lit up every system inside him. He immediately perked up, perhaps in a bit too conspicuous a fashion as the love-laced drink gave him far more energy than he had held in months.