Marcus listened to her narrative of a tough life, falling skyscrapers, and homicidal robots. Nodding and hmming, he raised his eyebrows at the mention of project gangs and resulting wars. [i]Not the most pleasant sounding situation, but we've been through worse.[/i] "Its fine, contrary to popular belief, we don't like shooting people either." He paused, then threw a glance over his shoulder to the door, behind which Tess was still talking. "Well, [i]most[/i] of us don't anyway." He amended. "So long as you're here, we-... I will make sure that you keep living. As far as I can anyway." He reached back under the console and grabbed a bottle of water for himself, taking a long pull before tossing it aside. "So this di-" He was interrupted as Tess reappeared in the doorway, seeming much less lively, more like a mess, ready to drop from a steady breeze. "So?" She folded down a jump seat and sat heavily. "So. Ames wants to see you. And he wants that disk, so hold on to that for now. We'll meet up with him pretty soon here. Hes going to...consider your offer." [i]Got a good ass kicking though.[/i] She finished to herself, lapsing into an uncharacteristic silence. "Well, that settles it then." Marcus exclaimed, putting on a big shit eating grin. "Back home it is." The craft deftly manouvered its way through the sky to one of the more industrial parts of Babylon, large wareouses dotted the landscape, seperated in neat grids by well worn roadways. The grey structure that suddenly dominated the view was almost identical looking to the hundred others; a wide hangar sized sliding door, big enough for a craft twice the size of the one they were in, concrete and metal, rusted and worn from decades of stoic duty. The craft settled on the landing struts, the door opening up to admit it. Marcus throttled down the metal bird, then spun around in his seat as the ramp lowered. "I'll get her put away, Taleste, Tess can give you the grand tour." After getting a promise from Tess that she'd play nice, he followed them out of the cockpit, grabbing a hand truck on the way out, to pull the craft inside the warehouse. [i]Ugh, I'm too tired for this shit.[/i] "Come on then, if you're going to be around for a while, you'll be spending a good amount of time here. Might as well get you acquainted." Tess beckoned to Taleste, scooping up the weapons and overcoat, and walking inside.