Good, here she is. One of the most realistic bots made, for modeling. Lost the original backstory so ill remake it in the morning. [hider=Rose][img=] [indent]Rose[/indent] [indent]Appears 21[/indent] [indent]Female[/indent] [indent]Android model[/indent] 'Reboot engaging...' Eyes opened and looked around scanning the area. Rising from the Queen sized bed like a normal human would. She looked around the room small but nice for a android to have for herself. She heard the others yawning and 'waking' up. Getting out of the bed she remade it unplugged the phone sitting on the nightstand next to it and went to the mirror. First she did her hair, curled it and put it in a half braid down the side of her head. Makeup next which was more self explanatory. Walking away from the mirror she went out for her job. This was her daily routine She was allowed free time at night from 12p.m. to 5p.m then from 9p.m. up to 11 p.m. 11, was when she had to be back in the room or the police would be called. She was on the face of Almost every Fashion show on now. People would know her but no one would say . She was a human to everyone but those who are supposed to know she isn't. Her movements modeled after a real person she had a fake personality she was, and still is a human but she knows she is not alive but she feels like it. People who know think she is just playing the part. She wouldn't do anything to mess up her life, except maybe if another android convinced her to send messages through her work. That could just be a possibility.[/hider]