[img]http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.608006913816265023&pid=15.1&P=0[/img] Name: Yvette Cole Age: 24 Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Occupation: Hairdresser/Cosmetologist, aspiring singer [hider=Apartment Description] [img=http://newyorkapartmentsdotorg.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/new-york-apartment1.jpg] [img=http://images1.flipkey.com/img/photos/8780/608780/415996/large_608780-415996-001-1357682673.jpg][/hider] Personality: Sweet, sensitive, shy, caring, cooperative, indecisive, scatter brained at times, lazy at times, humble, low self-esteem, a bit close minded, kind, sometimes immature, respectful, dependent History: Yvette grew up in a rather tumult house hold. She was tossed from family member to family member, and all of them poor. She was the little girl who got called out for lice in elementary school and wore oversized plaid clothes and came to school starving. Once she was 12 she got put into foster care, and the family actually had some money. They didn’t treat her like their own daughter however, and neither did her siblings. She has a rather dark past even with the foster family, that she rarely reveals to anyone. She was able to clean up though and go to school looking similar to how she does now. She never was good at making friends, just because she hardly ever trusted anyone. But since she longs to trust people, she has managed to make some friends now that she’s graduated from cosmetology school and works full time styling hair. She actually has a great singing voice, but is far too shy to ever sing in front of anyone. Relationships: PM me ~ Travis Family: Has a crush on Grady, babysits Lucas