[b] TF- LONGSWORD [/b] Bryan and team longsword were making progress, everyone was silent in the back of the APC. Listening to Hark radio chatter. "Longsword, we lost the kidnappers they slipped our net." An officer said his voice full of defeat. "Copy that we will proceed to last known location." Bryan said into his radio, the APC kept chugging along heading to the last known location. That's when the engine cut and the APC stopped floating, and started skidding across the ground "Shit, what's going on?" Jose shouted as they came to a halt in a small intersection not far from where the police last heard from. "Miller get HQ on the horn." Bryan shouted "Can't do that sir. Comms are down." Miller replied, leaving the whole team cursing and trapped inside their ramp also running off computers. They sat inside the APC doing nothing for a few minutes, contemplating what the hell was next. That's when it hit Bryan, reaching up in one of the APC compartments he pulled some breaching charges on them and set them up. "Everyone step back." Bryan said, and when they listened he hit the charges blowing the ramp off the back of the APC. Storming out of the ramp they found civilian vehicles still running. A few had gotten out of their vehicles to check if the team was alright. "Stay here, Jose." Bryan shouted and turned on one of the civilians. "We are taking your vehicle, hark business. Oh and your phone." Bryan said snatching the phone out of the civilians hands and getting his team into the hover car, a luxury model by the looks of it. Closing the door he hit the gas and threw the phone back to Amy. "Call HQ." He said a slight tinge of annoyance in his voice. While Amy got on the phone, Bryan started weaving in and out of traffic, when Amy got off the phone she delivered more bad news. "Misty's company called hq, told HQ that they are demanding a ransom and are at some garage not far from here." She said, Bryan slammed his hands on the steering wheel and cursed. "Fuck!" It sounded throughout the car and made TR jump. Putting the pedal to the medal. When they finally arrived outside the garage they got out. "Here's the plan, we get in there and get her out before those with the ransom arrive, turn your safeties off and kill anyone who raises a gun against you. Nobody makes it out alive, if the news or the media finds out Hark will be a laughing stock and then we got a true rebellion on our hands." He said turning the safety off his rifle he continued. "Any questions?" Nobody said anything and he just nodded and turned around heading for the garage.