Nyima looked at him as he said he was going to get food and told her to figure something out. She crossed her arms, "That is something to do." While they waited for the food Rayn's ordered Matsen spoke up, "Why don't we go play some carnival games?" Rayn rolled his eyes and looked at matsen. He knew this game he could tell matsen did not want him here and he wanted to impress Nyima. She clapped her hands and smiled, "Sure! It'll be fun!" she grinned at Rayn, "Maybe you could win a pretty lady's number," she teased. He raised an eyebrow and said, " why do I need the number? "As he looked at her. When she already lives with me? " he took his food and followed them. He decided to let matsen do most of them while he ate. He didn't need to prove anything. Let matsen feel good about himself