When the craft landed, Taleste finally felt relived to be on Terra Firma, and color was returning to her face, though she still kept her air of caution that hadn't been dropped in days. She had almost forgotten what it felt like to truly relax, free from the worry that you might get shot 20 seconds from now. She was really going to have to learn to fight. There's only so much fast legs and a smart mouth can do for you. She exited the craft as instructed and followed Tess out. She knew Tess wasn't overly fond of her, but that was understandable. Besides, Tess had both spared her life and, if Taleste read the signs right, got chewed out by her boss for it. Taleste would have to be pretty darn grateful. And she was. She was about to offer to help Tess carry something, but then her brain kicked in and she realized that a relative stranger asking to be given weapons was not the best of starts. In Tess' position, she'd want herself to shut up, follow, and only speak when she had to, so that's exactly what she did.