Jared sat silently after his joke, he wasn't shocked or scared like the rest as a matter of fact he was grinning like the Cheshire cat. [i]"Everybody i know is dead, a clean slate."[/i] He thought as he sat there leaned against his tube. As everyone went about introducing themselves he sat quietly not saying a word but still there was a smile on his face, yes there were no cigarettes up here and no booze otherwise he would of been throwing a fucking party. but then the thought hit him of how they were going to get home, and almost like the guy was psychic one of his companions spoke up about being a pilot and being able to fly them out of here. Jared stood up and looked to everyone. "Seeing as flyboy can get us out of here, then let's go already." Jared said, finally joining the group. "I mean if he wants to take the risk anyways." Jared continued, he looked out into space staring at the planet they hadn't set foot on in two hundred years. [i]"I hope she hasn't gotten dusty, or cob webs in her crotch."[/i] He thought, 200 hundred years later and it was ripe for the taking again. Hopefully the company had done well and he could use his old stash of shares in his lock box to take over or sell out and get rich and tell these ass holes to fuck themselves.