[i]What the heck was that supposed to be? Is this even real?[/i] Vivi made a face at the memory of what had just happened. Had they really just been set up like that? Were they really supposed to just go with that? ...but what else was there to do? If that had really been the only way to stop them from becoming a hazard, then they really couldn't help that. At least they had been honest. Maybe. With her limited scope of the situation, anything could probably be true at this point. She didn't know what to think. Maybe it had been a little rude of her to just leave the room. "But, anyone else would have done the same, right? No matter how you look at it, being forced into a weird matchmaking plan like this would make anyone upset, right? It's not like I was the only one, either! I have a right to be and act at least a little weirded out!" Whether the argument was sound or not, it made her feel a little better about herself. "And besides, couldn't they have been a little more tactful? That's not just something you outright say like that...is it? Or maybe it's worse to not be direct..." She sighed, really unsure by now. "Either way, it's too late to go back. Where am I, anyway?" During her rant to herself, as she was now just discovering, Vivi had been wandering off in a random direction and gotten completely lost. Now what? Should she just try a door and hope that it would lead somewhere useful? Hmm...