The year is 2559. It has been seven years since the Human-Covenant War has ended, and a year after Master Chief returned from a shield planet known as Requiem. The UNSC and Shangheili have made a peace treaty, the Spartan IV project has been put in to effect, and no one is to go anywhere near forerunner technology... Although the war is over, there is still a group of rebellious aliens that still believe in the old traditions of the Covenant known as the Storm Faction. They plot terrorist attacks on human colonies, and create issues concerning the safety of the galaxy... But as the Spartans focus more on forerunner technology and scientific research, the galaxy deals with the next best thing there is. Orbital Drop Shock Troopers are highly trained UNSC soldiers that are used for espionage, special operations, and when something needs to get done. If they were any better, they would be Spartans. Highly trained in combat, tactics, firearms, and alien technology. Recently they are used to fight against the Storm Faction, and when needed, they aid the Spartans. Dropping from drop pods, they are always ready for danger, and ready to protect humanity at all costs. A group of Spartan IV's, Elites, and ODST's are put together to patrol the outskirts of the human colonies, to make sure the Storm Faction doesn't do a surprise attack... But when they come across something they weren't expecting, It will take all of their training to make it out alive. RULES: 1) You can choose to be an ODST, Spartan IV, or Shangheili. But this is mostly going to be about the ODST's struggle, so the more of them the merrier! haha 2) This RP will be more than just shooting things, so be ready for some character, story, drama from time to time, etc! 3)If you have any ideas for the plot, or a character, please send me a PM! I'd love to hear them! FORM: Name: Age: Optional for Shangheili Race: Human/Shangheili Class: Rank: Appearance: Bio: Doesn't have to be long Personality: Skills: specialty on the team Family/Loved ones? Optional. family members, relationships, friendships, etc. Other: ----------------------------- Name: Raymond Chase Age: 27 Race: Human Class: ODST Rank: Captain Appearnce: [hider=Armor][img=] Has a magic 8 ball painted on the side of my helmet, and a chunk of my armor taken off my right arm.[/hider] [hider=Outside the armor][img=][/img][/hider] Bio: I was one of those people who was born on Earth. A small little town near Atlanta Georgia. I was born the year the Human-Covenant War started as well. We grew up in constant fear of these aliens attacking us. People from everywhere started to join the UNSC. My dad was a soldier. He would leave for quite some time and come back worse than ever. It was hard for us. We lived in a place where it wasn't that affected by technology, fields and trees and a truly amazing view of everything out there at night... I was always a fighter too. I would fight anyone who said that this war was stupid. anyone who though it was funny to pick on the smaller guy. Because those were the things worth fighting for. The war was protecting Earth. The bullies were attacking their own kind while my father was risking his life. I was the oldest out of my siblings too. I had a younger sister, Anna, and a brother, Ben. We were close, and when my dad was gone, I made sure my mom and them were alright. On my 15th birthday we heard the news. My father was killed in action while defending a human colony from getting glassed. They say he was a hero. He ran in and out of buildings pulling civilians out and in to Pelicans just before they attacked. All we had left of him was his ODST helmet. That's when I knew if I was going to be anything, it would be at least half the man he was. I enlisted as soon as I could, motivated every time I heard someone say "I knew your father. He was a good man." It didn't take long until I enlisted in the ODST program. I showed natural charisma, and charm. I was a good shot, and not bad of a fighter. I was on Reach still in training to become an ODST when the covenant found us. Barely anyone made it off that planet, but I managed to get through with a few scrapes and dead friends. Months later I graduated, and soon lead a group of ODST's in the Tidal Wave Squad. For the rest of the war we fought alongside Spartans, marines, seeing the worst of everything... The best things about humanity though, is our sense of humor. Our chance of hope. Having something worth fighting for. I constantly thought of my family. I constantly made jokes to lighten the mood... But that was harder to do when they discovered Earth. Tidal Wave fought with accuracy, and skill. We soon lived up to our name, and became a bit of a lesser known story behind Chief. Once the war ended, it was a feeling I couldn't describe. I was able to look up at the sky and feel this different way about those stars shining. As if I was a kid again. It was over. I stayed enlisted though, but I was able to visit my family more. My brother and mother stayed on earth, but my sister moved to a colony to start a new. She met a nice man, and had a child. The most beautiful baby girl I had ever seen. I was chosen as their godfather, and I visited any time I wasn't fighting off the Storm Faction or at training... Then a couple years ago... The worst happened. An army ambushed the planet my sister and her husband lived... They were taken along with other civilians, and I took it as the right to chase that ship down... I was too late. We snuck in, got to the prison cells, and just as we were going to unlock them, they shot them out in to space. An ambush for us. They were expecting Spartans. But oh boy did they mess with the wrong troopers. I took a break from the UNSC after that. I took Anna's baby girl, Rebecca, and went back to Earth, where I started to be her father figure. I love that girl like she is my own, and while my brother and mother help, I rarely left her side. Three years of that, and she was now six years old. I then got a message from the UNSC. They told me they needed me for an important mission. One that only a select few had an honor of doing. I was to patrol the outskirts of the human colonies with Spartans and Elites. To command a squad of my own. I said i'd only work with my old squad, and they agreed, and added some new faces as well. I only do this so people don't lose their family like I did. I'll dive in to the fight feet first, like I always do. Personality: Headstrong, Brave, and a bit of a smartass. Uses humor to ease nerves, but won't fool around with serious matters. Extremely loyal for his team. Someone who will like to know why they are fighting instead of just rushing in blind. Charismatic, charming when he has to be. Hides most of his feelings by using a gun. Skills: Leader of the ODST Squad titled Tidal Wave. Master tactician, and knows his way around a battle rifle Family/Loved Ones?: Mother, brother, but most importantly his niece Rebecca. If anyone's interested in a relationship let me know! Other: Has a scar on his lip from a fight as a child, and a larger one across his chest from the Battle of Reach. Also known as "Cap" to his squad.