Name: Wade Carter Age: 30 Race: Human Class: Spartan-IV Rank: First Lieutenant Appearance: [hider=in-armor][img=][/hider] [hider=under the helm][img= has the ODST insignia tattooed on his right arm.][/hider] Bio: My name is Wade Carter. I was born on earth, in South Carolina, shortly before the war began. I was born into a military family. Dad was a Marine, then a Helljumper. My uncle was in the Navy, and my sister was a jarhead. Growing up, I was the only child at home. All my other siblings were off fighting the Covenant, and I was at home, just waiting for my family to come back to me. At school, I was always told my dad was a hero, my sister was a hero, my uncle was a hero. I was always being told that, that I had built them up in my head to be these invincible paragons of war. When I was ten years old, my uncle died. The loss was hard, but we weren't that close. Nevertheless, that shifted things. I began to see the war differently, I started conditioning my body to be ready for the military. Five years later, at Eighteen, I enlisted in the Marines, serving for three years before being recruited into ODST. As a Helljumper, our motto is 'feet first into hell.' I took it to heart, even volunteering for dangerous missions so that others didn't have to. My service got me promoted up to Sergeant. I had originally served on Tidal Wave, but then my father died, a victim of an Elite. I was shocked. I was angry, I was hurt. We took him back to earth, buried him with honors. My mind wasn't quite on the job then, still grieving. It was around this time that I was approached about the SPARTAN-IV program. I thought, if I volunteer for this, if I become a spartan, perhaps I could do more. So I volunteered, and went through the augmentations. It was the worst pain I have ever experienced in my life, but I came out feeling different, like I could hit harder, fight longer, run faster. And in fact, I can. A few months training, and I was sent back into a new squad. We did spec ops, and our service got us all into hell-like situations. Eventually, I got promoted to First Sergeant, and they placed us doing black ops, the kind I can't talk about. When the war ended, a kind of weight was placed on me, and I went home for a two week leave. My sister, Kate, she came home too, and it was an...awkward leave. We were so used to the military life, living for the uniform, that we were itching to go back. We still owe my mom a new coffee table, because Kate and I took to running combat drills in the living room. It was nice, I guess, and I met Morgan. She was here from Dublin on holiday, and we sort of clicked. For the next five months we dated when I had leave, when she'd visit on base, we'd see each other whenever possible. I wasn't the one to pop the question, she was. We married, and went on honeymoon. That was short lived, however, as Spartan Command approached me about a Joint SPARTAN-ODST squad, how Tidal Wave was a part of it. I can still remember Morgan cussing out the messenger. I agreed, and shipped off immediately. Personality: Stubborn, aggressive, loyal. He is cold and focused on the job, but loyal to a fault. Skills: Tactitian, CQC specialist, distinguished Marksman, interrogation. Family/Loved Ones: Kate,his younger sister, and Morgan, his wife, from Dublin,Ireland.