Name: William Turner Age: 35 Race: Human Class: ODST Rank: Lieutenant Appearance: ARMOR [img][/img] Appearance: FACE'n'stuff [img][/img] Bio: William Turner was one of the many farmers' sons and would-be soldiers on Harvest- an agricultural planet on the outer edges of human space- who sought to join the militia that the two marines had began training. However, very much unlike everyone else, the first whiff of his very political parents had of some kind of trouble- namely, aliens- they sent him away, before anyone else had even begun considering it. Shortly after his arrival at Reach, word came from Harvest- it was glassed by an unknown alien race. This lead to a short bout of depression and grief from William, before it transformed into vengeance. There, he joined the Marines, and learned to control it a bit more. He didn't make it too far before he was recruited into the ODST training program. By the time he had finished advanced training, the war was halfway through- Reach had fallen, and with it, the last of his family. After Reach fell, William served on any ship attacking Covenant space, intent on attacking anything that wasn't human. This will probably negatively affect his combat effectiveness if a Sangeheili is fighting right next to him, with him. He'd rather shoot it in the back and then get back to fighting- but orders are orders. Personality: To be RPed? Is dat okay? But he's generally a cool guy, but can fall apart if things get REALLY bad. The fall apart that goes bitter and what's-the-use. Skills: Taking point- a regular sharpshooter with any weapon. Family/Loved ones? N/A; he's friendly, but he doesn't mention anything, doesn't write anything to anyone, and generally just appears to not have any outside contact. Doesn't care to get too close. Other: WIP