[b]Name:[/b] Brian "Preach" Holt [b]Age:[/b] 49 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Class:[/b] ODST [b]Rank:[/b] Staff Sergeant [b]Appearance:[/b] Brian is a tall man, with a heavy barrel-chested frame. His hair is kept short in usual military fashion, and is heavily greyed. The skin on his face is rather ragged, and pot marked, making him appear old than he is. His eyes are of a pale blue. He wears the close quarters combat variant of the ODST armour, with the image of a white crucifix stencilled onto the left ballistic plated pauldron. [b]Bio:[/b] Brian Holt is a grizzled veteran of the Human-Covenant War, where he spent the majority of his enlisted service with the UNSC's ground-based armies. Shipped from planet to planet, deployed with thousands of his fellows in battles of endurance against the Covenant, Brian became a bit of a legend. Several times, he would be one of the few to be airlifted out of a combat zone, shortly before a planet was glassed. Seven times he was able to escape a UNSC ship even as plasma consumed its hull. His constant cheating of death led him to consider the existence of a Higher Power, and during a six day cryosleep (from which he was rudely awoken early due to an imminent engagement), he had a dream. In this dream, the Christian God spoke to him, and told him he had a purpose that surpassed that of lesser men. Whether the dream was a real religious experience, or whether it was just the effects of the cryosleep, Brian immediately converted to Christianity and began himself on a spiritual voyage as God's own executioner. Though past his best in years, Brian found new youth and strength from his sudden spiritual realisation, and immediately requested a transfer to the ODST. He was not sure why Earth's special forces was the place for him, but it "felt right". Suffice to say, he passed the rigorous entry exams with flying colours despite his advanced age. He missed out on the First and Second Battles of Requiem, as he was posted to anti-insurgency roles throughout Man's shattered colonial holdings. During this time, he fought both Covenant Remnants and human-borne terrorists. [b]Personality:[/b] Calm, sober, quiet, deeply religious. [b]Skills:[/b] Medic/Breach and Entry [b]Other:[/b] Uses weapons designed for the mission at hand, but prefers his trusty and slightly personalised M90 Close Assault Weapon System, that he calls "Judgement".