[hider=Aria Applecot] Name: Aria Applecot Age: 24 Race: Human Class: Spartan IV Rank: Corporal Appearance: [img=http://watchgirl.tk/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/anime_girl_render___by_dyamode-d69empz.png] [img=http://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2011/046/5/c/female_spartan_armor_wip2_by_sgthk-d39lzxf.jpg] Bio: Aria was born on Earth, in Scotland. At an early age, she was studying hard, and was oblivious to the Covenant. At the age of seven, she first learned against the Covenant, and the monster in her closet would always be a grunt or an elite that she saw on videos. Two years later, she decided she would join the marines when she was old enough to enlist, and she began to stay up very late at nights to do her research on enlisting. She would continually be distracted by her (male) friends, who would want to date her as they, as they said to her, though she was "their type of girl". Aria would not date them, however in order to tease them she often flirted with them a little, often giving them a wink or moving very close to them. A month after her seventeenth birthday, Aria enlisted in the UNSC marines, and went through brutal training, eventually leaving the training as a demolitions trooper, knowing both how to plant and defuse bombs, fire rockets perfectly, and how to really bake the Covenant into a cake, complete with gunpowder sprinkles and C7 foaming explosive icing. She was transferred between a few teams, going from one to the next, and she began to ascend the ranks to a lance corporal. By the time she was a lance corporal, she had joined the ODSTs, and was assigned as a fireteam leader, under command of three other troopers. While the squad was out on patrol, the planet they were operating on was attacked. The squad fought hard, but the majority died, leaving her fireteam and half of fireteam Lazuli. Being the highest ranking trooper there, she managed to regroup the surviving two teams, and send out an SOS. Aria assigned the six survivors, including herself, into fireteams of two each, naming the fireteams Jackpot, Snore and Weakling, based upon the nicknames of three of the six survivors. The three fireteams set up a perimeter and scavenged for ammunition. As it turns out, fireteam Jackpot found a true jackpot, which was a small bag of rock candy which was handed out between them. Help did not arrive for hours, and by the time it did, fireteam Snore was heavily injured, as well as fireteam Weakling, which was Aria's own team. The fireteams were each commended for their brave efforts, and private [i]Kisser[/i] was given a proper burial. As the leader of the effort for survival, once she was released from the hospital Aria was promoted to the rank of Corporal. However, she suffered from a post-combat condition that has rendered her mute. She was given a form for a medical discharge, however she refused. For the next few years, Aria continued to blow stuff up and look impressive, even though she was mute, and after the war was augmented into a Spartan IV. Once completing a few missions, she was given a position on a team that would be patrolling the border of space. Personality: Aria is a normally cheerful person, however she struggles to express her joy without a voice. She likes to give people hugs and express her feelings in other ways. Aria can get frustrated and upset if enough is said to her. Aria is a bit flirty, and shows this by sometimes kissing people on the cheek, and giving off one of the few things that she can verbally do, which is giggle. Skills: EOD (Explosive Ordinance Disposal), Demolitions, Medium-Range combat. A master with any explosive. Family/Loved ones?: Ruby Applecot - Alive Rolo Applecot - Unknown, left at the birth of Aria Other: Aria communicates by using hand signals, and it is possible to see if she is stressed by looking at her bio monitor. She can make some noises, however not any words. [/hider]