Nyima rolled her eyes when he asked why he would need her number. She shook her head, "Ha. Ha. So funny. I mean a girl that you can bring to the Chans' so they'll stop setting you up on blind dates." She stuck her tongue out at him then walked over to the carnival games. Rayn didn't play much but Matsen and Nyima played most of the games. They were mainly based on luck and apparently Nyima was overflowing with it. She had won most of the games that she and Matsen had played together and the prizes she carried were mainly won by her. She didn't know what was worse for Matsen, the fact that he couldn't show up Rayn as he avoided the games or that Nyima was showing him up. As they reached the last game, the classic knock the bottle down with the ball, Nyima looked at Rayn, "Come on, you have to play at least one game... I'm sure you'll do great at this one!" Matsen watched her as she asked Rayn to play. He wasn't very impressed or happy about the fact that Rayn tagged along but maybe he could try and show him up here.... Maybe.