Knight had just finished stowing his gear and a couple non-regulation items as well a bottle of scotch, his guitar, and a stolen covenant energy sword. He had been happy to know that like the Infinity this ship simply had troops room together rather than one large barracks, it was also so that encase of attack the troops defending the ship were not all in one place. He had taken it off a dead Elite back on Requiem and kept it since replacing his knife with it as he knew technically all Covenant weapons are to taken to the armory so they can be studied. Hiding the sword and drink he cracked open his guitar case, he figured it would be best to wait down by the hangar near where the entrance bay was and play some, the troops would enjoy it. Giving himself a once over in the mirror he was wearing a black shirt with Hell-jumper written on the front on and in sloppy white letters that you can tell someone wrote on the back it said Knight. It went well with his gray camouflage pants and black boots grabbing his acoustic guitar out of the case he began the walk to the hangar. He passed a group of ODST's who whispered about the betting pool for who would be the first to find out his name. He sighed, he knew it would be a nice payday but ONI loved to keep there secrets, he was only here until they could find enough troops to rebuild the suicide team. ONI was always careful about that making sure to pick orphans or those with little family or those who had a death wish for there operations as they were expendable and no one really came looking later or they had groan to expect it. He stopped as he reached the entrance way shrugging deciding that it simply wasn't worth the the thought he strummed the guitar tuning it up he sat on a crate left carelessly by the door and began to play. He would sing but he didn't know what to, beside better not to get to much attention the first day. So he sat there playing songs of the old Mid-western Earth, the kind you would here gathered around a campfire or in camp after a battle.