She had expected the ship to be in space, up above the atmosphere, in low orbit at the lowest. Aria had not expected it to be in a bunker. Looking around the bunker before staring up at the UNSC Achilles for the third time since arriving, she let out a breath. [i]That's one big ship. I can see why I had to go through security checks to get here.[/i] Aria had needed to go through several security checks before she had been admitted into the bunker, mostly because it was a ship with an important role (at least, Aria thought so), partially because she wasn't replying to their questions. It wasn't her fault. Aria sees someone playing a guitar, and stops to listen to the music he was playing. It sounded mid-western, however it sounded brilliant. She walks closer to the man, her helmet tucked under her arm, a smile on her face. She was in her full armour set, a backpack on her back with her personal effects. The music was starting to become ever more better, so she decided that she would stay and listen until either she was told to go somewhere or the man stopped.