The sounds of turmoil and strife were like music to the empty hallway, though they were nothing compared to the constant repeat of classical music that continued to play. Seeing as the man and his talking club were preoccupied with their own conversation, the manor decided to greet its new guests in its very own way. A low creaking was suddenly heard in the long corridor. A second of pause before the hallway began to suddenly morph and change. It was as if the manor itself was groaning and turning, twisting and contorting to fits its own needs. Gone was the hallway that had layed right before them from a few moment’s prior, replaced now by a bright and new image. The house had transformed with little rhyme and reason, and all of them had seemingly stumbled upon what looked like a grand ballroom. And yet, if they were to look behind them, the prisoners would still be able to view the basement; only what lay before them had changed shape. Were they still inside the manor at this point? Under normal circumstances, the ballroom would have been beautiful. A silver chandelier hung high above them while the entire floor was paved with strokes of crimson and marble. Gold and purple decorations adorned the walls everywhere, giving the huge room a radiant glow. The orchestra music from before was now loud and overpowering in this new location. Just how big was this place anyway...? A flash of movement whirled by suddenly. Something fast and moving in the center of the ballroom. It looked like...a person. Though it could just have been some hallucinating, given the house’s apparent, those movements definitely looked too real to be a dream. The figure was a girl, who moved with such grace and elegance as she danced alone on the grand stage of the center. Her pale skin contrasted with the pitch black dress around her figure, crowned atop with equally long black hair that covered her left eye with long bangs. Her single seen right eye was a deep crimson, as red as the flooring of which she was dancing upon. After a final twirl of movement, she paused to take a bow to an imaginary crowd before finally noticing the group of very strange people no doubt watching her. "My goodness, you all startled me!" Walking over to them, she bowed politely and flashed them each a warm smile. "Apologies for the rude endeavor. You seem to be...lost. Tell me, is there a certain reason you're roaming this mansion?" The girl titled her head to the side and blinked in surprise. "Oh yes, I almost forgot! Apologies once more." She bowed once again to emphasize her point. "I don't really have a name...but you may address me as Marianne."