"I guess that's my queue to go then." Atticus stepped into the arena while he thought about which one he'd want to fight. Obviously, we really didn't want to give too much away to anyone. On the other hand, he didn't want to be thought of as a weak link. He reached for the two knives on his waist and asked for a couple imps to be released. In all honesty, he didn't really enjoy this whole part of the test. Nobody, regardless of their crimes, really deserved to die through a test of skill or example of "might". It was a barbaric activity performed by some fairly egoistic warriors. His expression might make others think that he was in the "zone" when in reality, he was somewhat disgusted by the event. It seemed he didn't have much of a choice, however. Swallowing his opinion, Atticus readied himself for the incoming threat. Both the imps hovered as they fanned around Atticus and gained altitude. Atticus backed up in response and kept the two creatures in his vision. Eventually, he couldn't keep them both in his peripherals and turned his back to one quickly. The two imps seemed to charge towards him almost simultaneously as soon as he turned his back. Atticus knew that as soon as he exposed himself, that imp would "jump the gun" instantly. This knowledge gave him the slight edge to win the very brief exchange. Atticus quickly threw his right knife towards the imp at his back. and rolled to the left. The knife, guided by Atticus' mind, lodged itself into the torso of the unknowing imp. To those watching, it seemed that he merely launched the knife with his arm. The imp with a blade in it's chest hit the ground while the untouched one flew past it. Atticus quickly threw his second knife at the injured imp. It sailed right into the skull of the grounded devil, ending it's currently miserable life. With the threat of the last imp still in play. Atticus' attention shifted towards it. It was spitting out unintelligible words in it's language. Whatever it was saying, it sure as hell wasn't nice things. The imp's face was contorted into what could only be classified as pure contempt. In a blind rage, it darted at Atticus, it's claws extended and it's fangs barred. As the imp neared, Atticus fell to his back and brought his right knee up to his chest to unsheathe his last knife. The imp's momentum sent it's limp body onto Atticus. Shoving the imp off him, Atticus stood to show the knife buried in the imp's heart. After collecting his effects, Atticus nodded to Silus as he followed suit through the forest.