Doc heard the crowbar speak to him, but didn't really pay attention. The room shifted, making him even more confused. He looked at the others with confused glances, unsure of what exactly to think of the situation. When he realized that it was an awfully glorified hall, he could hardly even breath. His stomach flopped over in confusion. When the room stopped shifting, he saw a girl dressed all in black clothes. He stepped back a bit. She was dancing, and as she twirled around, he saw a bright red blur dancing around the girl's head. He assumed maybe it was some type of headband or something, but when she stopped, he saw that it was her eye. When she spoke, she just filled Doc with not only confusion, but wonder. What, or who, was she really? Doc took a step forward, not quite sure whether or not it was a good idea. "Alright er... Marianne... D'ya know where we are? 'Cause we woke up here and... Well, we don't have any idea what happened..."