Atticus wondered how he ended up in a cave. He kept trying to go back in his mind and mentally retrace his steps, but for the life of him, he couldn't do it. It was at this moment that a ridiculous urge overcame him. His eyes darted around the room as he tried to find what was calling for him so strongly. Then he saw it: a beautiful piece of craft. The light emanating from it mesmerized him, but he was soon snapped out of it when he seemed to slip on ice. His personal effects slid from him and the situation became far worse with the lava and whatnot. When the cracking began, his instincts kicked in and he ran for his own belongings. Regardless of whatever the staff held for him, he knew he could trust his own equipment. 

However, once Atticus had his bearings and his things, he turned quickly to the staff. He reached out with his mind as well as his hands as if to catch it through his telekinesis.