Rareth and Shuo did what they could to keep the remaining rebels back as the others rushed into the door. As planned, her blade was able to make quick work of one who tried advancing too close on her side. At least one of the rebels tried to use a grenade of his own, but when telekinetically pushed it back in mid-air, they elected not to try it again. The data center would not be far ahead, and hopefully there would not be a significant number of guards protecting it. Before that, however, herself and Shuo needed to get through the door with the others and, more importantly, prevent themselves from being followed. After reloading her pistol, Rareth quickly looked to the door, then to Shuo. "Go, run for it!" She ordered, quickly taking Shuo's place after he started to run, Setting her pistol to full auto, Rareth simply fired blindly down the hall to keep their enemies suppressed. Shuo ended up taking a hit or two to the shields, but nevertheless made it through the door, which left only Rareth to follow. Luckily, her ability to teleport across open ground made it a significantly easier task. Rareth ran to catch up with the others once through the door, but she knew that the rebels would only be seconds behind her, and since Bit had broken through the locks on the door, there was no sealing it behind them. As she reached the rest of her team, she quickly glanced behind her. "We need to seal this behind us...Bit! Can you take down the ceiling?"