"Don't act so glum... Sure it is going to be a lot of waiting around but... That means fire and camping and that's always been fun." He nodded as they walked, sure camping was fun, time to get out of the city. Nyima smiled at him, trying to lighten the mood but he still remained angry and upset. Of course, he didn't exactly appear to be either of these things but she knew. She sighed and looked at her hands, "Are you mad at me?" He looked at her and shook his head, even though he wanted to say yes he didn't want to create friction between them. He's tried so hard the last year to bring up his feelings for her but he could never pick up any hint of her having the same . With this final shut down it was a hard blow to him. "I"m not mad at you..." He sighed and continued. " I am just thinking of your brother... If we attack the Avatar... He will fight back. It's going to be hard to make sure he is fine... I don't want you to lose him after gaining him again." Which was true he did worry about that but he had that up his sleeve incase she asked that question. They soon made it to her home. At which he got on his motorcycle. "I'll meet you back here in fifteen?" ------- Zenji's smiled at him softly, "Yes... It really is... Most people just don't have to face them all at once..." She looked around the street slightly, "I guess I shouldn't just be standing out in the open like this... Just because people say they're willing to protect me... doesn't mean I should give them reason to..." She pulled out her toque and pulled it over her hair again, hiding the vibrant colour. She sighed, "I got chased down a few days ago... They've gotten more frequent... I'm starting to think it has something to do with my hair..." She shook her head and looked toward the door, "I'm not holding us up at all, am I? Masuto isn't waiting for me to get a hold of myself before we go to the island... right? Because if they want to go now..." she shrugged, "I'll be fine." He shook his head, " it seems like we are waiting on Masuto for now, as for you being chased, I would say your hair does stand out. But don't worry, I won't let anyone hurt you."