"That day still haunts me. I don't know how much longer I can hold out." "You need to relax, there will be a time-" "TIME FOR WHAT?!?!" "..." "I've been trapped here with you for three years and all I can think about is the day they took her. Just look at my body, it's lost all control and sanity that it’s ever known. How am I supposed to return to that?" "...we'll find her." "HOW FERDIA? HOW? I'm stuck here and you're stuck with me, you can't even break through this damn thing...I just...want it all to stop." "Perhaps...she will find us. It is a possibility, it's been three years maybe she escaped and is looking for us right now...looking for you." "I doubt it. How would that even work? How am I supposed to recover such a worthless bag of meat?" "Liam, she will help you, she will be here. You are stronger than this, rest and ease your thoughts." "Fine, I guess I can wait a little while longer." It has been exactly three years, two months, eleven days, and fourteen hours since the last time I saw her face. They took her, and they took me, in that instance of horror I could no longer feel my arms, being held by some metal restraint. Though I didn't care about my body, I focused on seeing her, Sarina, my savior, my goddess, the one who protected me through my dark thoughts and nursed me back to health. And now she's gone, forever, as I seemed to convince myself. I could only close my eyes and picture her face with that sweet smile of hers that held so much joy and wonder, but day by day the picture faded, now it's nothing but haze with slight color. I didn't know how long I was going to be trapped but I knew it would be a long time and I didn't want to come out crazy if I had been released. I tried my best to keep my mind in check by remembering my favorite movies and books, talking to myself in my head and replaying sweet memories like a projector on the walls. Though my body at the time was reverting back and forth to my personal Demon, Ferdia, he was trying to break free for me, but the way my arms were held and constricted like a strait jacket, and the fact that there was this iron maiden like contrapment that held around my torso, every time he tried to revert to his form, before my body reached full size it was stabbed by the thorns within, keeping him at bay. I took the pain of those thorns constantly day by day hour by hour. Ferdia tried to grow specific parts of my body like just my arm or a leg, anything that could help break free but it would instantly give out and return to my original form. Though he never gave up, my anger only boiling and it fueled him to keep trying. We both had an equal goal, to escape and be free. He worked hard at my body while I worked to keep remembering her and keep my sanity. Though both of us were losing. I began to forget letters and words, numbers all the same. I lost all feeling and emotion by the end of the first year. Though I could still think and talk to Ferdia as a soul, my body was lost. It could no longer comprehend events or understand the difference between light and dark, nor even realize there was a difference. It had forgotten just about everything that was embedded in its mind. The body had taken on a similar feat, the legs forgot how to walk, or even move. The arms couldn't be felt anymore from not being able to move them for so long, if anything, the body forgot how to function all together. Yet Ferdia was still trying to break through at every passing hour. I don't know how much longer I could stand this torture. ~~~~ Liam has been trapped for three years inside solitary confinement, his body held together by an iron maiden like chest piece that also restricted his arms like that of a strait jacket. He was forced to stand on his shin and knees while four chains held the iron maiden in the center of the room. The boy had lost his sanity and could no longer, talk, read, write, comprehend, but there was a fading amount of thought that still remained in him. The lights were on during the day and off during the night, though later on he soon forgot the difference. He barely slept, maybe ten minutes at a time every week or so. His body running on the fuel of his inner Demon. From time to time the attendents would come to get him, grabbing long steel poles and bashed them against his thighs to break his bone so he couldn't run, they would attach the poles to his collar and drag him out, to clean him up so he wouldn't die or stink the place up, at the slightest movement he made they would zap him with a long stun rod like an animal. To them he was a monster, a beast, something not of this world and it needed to be killed or put in its place, but they had orders. They would leave his hair the way it was, afraid he'd try to bite at them if they came too close, and then they would return him to the cell. Food would be placed just outside of reach away from him, forcing him to endure the pain of the iron maiden just to eat off the plate like a dog. His inner Demon would always try to break free, trying to revert the boy’s body into his own only to be stabbed back into place. This was like the boy's work out, muscle constantly growing and contracting day by day, hoping to break free but to no avail. The anger boiling within Liam only grew, he wanted nothing but to murder those who hurt him and to find the one he cared most about, that was all he wanted, but nothing in the world would let him have it. Soon he would give up and his body would rot like a bag of dead meat. Liam now is on the verge of life and death, his soul having a small fraction of hope to see her face once again, but he had forgotten it. There was nothing left to do but give up. That is until the small door for the window at the door slid open. There stood the face of a woman, peering in and staring at the boy who fought hard against the chains every second, screaming like a demon wanting to be free only to become mute once his eyes landed on her. They held a hunger for murder when he stared at her, but slowly changed as Liam's mind began to collect itself slightly. He did not know this woman, but he thought he should have known her, she seemed important to him. Having this thought he wanted to be with her, to be free. He became calm and relaxed only staring at her till the door to the window slammed shut quickly. Liam's eyes widened in disbelief, he began to think if it was the girl he wanted to be with all these years but denied it so and became more furious and abrupt against the iron maiden and the chains. Using every ounce of strength to break out and be free. With a final piece of hope restored and a fraction of a chance she would return, he kept fighting.