Remi looked around the city of New Mombasa, what was left of it anyway, it was a wreck from the battles fought there and everything else that had happened there. He could see the beginnings of the rebuilding effort, and he was fairly impressed. As a technology expert, or as much of one as he could be considering how little they knew now. But He always respected humanities' tenacity and technological skill. They were impressive fighters and as soon as they acquired the technology of the Covenant they learned from it instead of just implementing it like the Covenant had done for millennia. Walking down the streets, he ignored the stares that he was getting from soldiers and civilians alike, it still amazed him that some humans were not warriors, it was natural for a Sangheili to have fought since pretty much birth no matter their other professions. The stares he understood, however, as the war was still fresh in everyone's minds and the Storm faction fighting for the same cause that the Covenant had, causing a lot of mistrust between the two species who now held a rocky relationship. Remi, himself, had been fighting on the frontlines himself for the past few months until he had been pulled off to join this group of humans in some mission or another. Finally, Remi reached the shipyard, he was checked several times for weapons and armour. Both of which had been transferred to the ship ahead of time but in the end he made it through and got his first real glimpse of his new ship. He was not shipmaster, only a specialist and warrior along with everyone else other than his commander, but he was willing to step out of the lime-light for a while. Being an Ultra was not an easy task, he was in charge of ground forces for the most part, even though he had been trying to make it to Ship Master for many cycles. "Achilles" He murmured to himself, the name of the human ship. It was large but it was no CSO-Class Supercarrier, and like all human ships, they had decided to put their bridge toward the bow. It was an interesting design to him and something that always made him wonder what had caused this difference between their ship designs, the Sangheili and Covenant having designed theirs to be in the middle of the ship, often the most well shielded and armoured part though not always. With a sigh he looked around himself, eying up those who were present as any one of them could be his new team. There were too many, however and he decided his efforts might be better spent inside the ship itself. Thus he began lumbering towards the Achilles, standing well over a foot taller than any Spartan.