Once the last person was inside the room several clear walls dropped separating the crowd of people into smaller groups. The voice over the PA said, "Survive. There will be a bag to assist you." And then everything went black around the groups.

When light returned Stíofán, Cricket, Tessa and Logan along with two other people were standing on the roof of a building in full SWAT gear, just shy of the SWAT on the back of their flack jackets. Each of them had two guns, a hand gun and a rifle of shotgun.

Tessa, having caught her breath looks around and then at the gun in her hand. "What?" She looked up at the others fear flashing in her eyes. One of the other two people that were with the group was a dark skinned man in his mid 30's.

"Take a deep breath kid." Tessa nodded and did as he told her. "All right. I can make a few guesses as to what is happening here and none of them are good. I don't see any radios on us, so we're not police of some sort. That leads me down a whole other path of dark possibilities. Now I don't think I'm one to cross the law, so I'm going to say if we are doin' some sort of robbin' we're goin' to want to not do it. The voice only told us to survive right, well it's a lot easier survivin' when the law likes ya then when it don't. Let's see if we can find that bag the voice mentioned. My name's Kyle." He added as an after thought. "Or at least I think so."

"I'm Tessa." Tessa nodded and looked around to see if she could find this bag the voice mentioned.