Cracking several eggs into a bowl he whips them with one hand while dropping in spices with the other. Scooping up some leeks he chopped up into fine splinters he adds those too to the egg mix before moving over to the stove with a twirl. [i]'They had a nice selection for such a small village. This should turn out very good'[/i] Setting the egg mixture down he sets to work on the breading for the meat. [i]'A little of this, and some of that for a bite'[/i] His mind casts about as he works, recalling where he learned each move. Cooking became a passion for him some time ago when he came tot he realization that it is a way to stay connected. [i]'Though time may pass, and kingdoms fall, cooking is something that not even the harsh mistress of memory can erase. From the first man putting meat on a stick over an open flame, we have learned and grown by what we eat, and how it's prepared'[/i] Feeling a little nostalgic he doesn't notice the young innkeeper right away. The breading finished he moves back to the prep table and picks up a filleting knife. The blade cuts through the meat like butter, separating the strips of gristle and such before cutting them into hunks about the size of his palm. “There should be one for each person, and that would make. . .” He casts about to make sure he remembers how many people are at the inn correctly but the boy's proximity makes him pause. Looking up at Shigetoshi he smiles. “Oh, forgive me, I didn't see you there.” His hands bend back to the task at hand and his gaze drops to the cutting board. “You told me that we may need extra. Did anyone else check in or should I make exactly eight?” He glances up for a moment. “Any extra is going into another dish, so I need to know when to stop slicing, and start dicing, heh.” Rolling his eyes at his own bad joke he picks up the tenderizing mallet and begins beating the one's he's already sliced into the right size.