Yes! There is one secret race, but I will not say what it is in this RP, because it will make people leave. I'll say what it is after we join. :3. It's just one of those things where people "Judge a book by it's cover." There are Humans, Elves, Dwarves, monstrous races (Such as orcs, skeletons... ETC), or generally anything else you can think of. The races are pretty open-ended, as long as they aren't uber-powered god-beings. If you have a special one in mind, just make sure to give me a description, and I can especially throw it on the OP so other's can see what they are! Edit: Oh, and when I DO reveal what the secret race is, and people have a have a huge fit about it anyway, then I'll just edit the story-line a bit and disconnect it from the other RP. It's not something horrible, it's just people will read it, and say "Oh! You're doing THAT!? Then that means this RP is all boring and horrible and for simple-non good RPers." which actually happened in the other RP. Most of the people that tried to join were guys wanting to spam the thread with random comments, thinking it was a discussion thread, and not an RP thread. Though those cool enough to understand, breathed it in easily. Once I reveal the secret race (It's actually a whole ton of them!), I'm pretty sure everyone will be cool with it. It's just newcomers to the RP just see "DERP" OP host that's writing fan-fiction. Which it's not. It only LOOSELY resembles what it is referencing, and everything beyond that is 100% RPer made up, and defined by the community! We actually have a lot going on with the other RP, and it's wrapping up pretty soon. Once it's finished, we'll start another 'official' RP of it on this website, which should have references from this mini-RP, and that old RP.