Rethea snorted, walking down the hall of the underground human bunker deep in thought. Her blue eyes stared ahead, and every now and then she would click her mandibles. How did she get here? How was this a part of her destiny? Never would Rethea have guessed she would be working among the humans; let alone FOR them.........Since she had arrived they had certainly been a strange sight. Never before had she seen one in person until transferring from Sangheilios to Earth. Shaking out of her thoughts she turned her attention to the humans that currently hurried around her, some carrying baggage while others worked on loading countless necessities into the bunker. For being so small and vulnerable, they were certainly a tenacious race. For a moment Rethea wondered why the Covenant had not made to recruit them rather than seek war. She even felt guilty for what her kind did to them, for they were such an interesting race.... But then again they probably thought she was rather odd as well. At the moment, Rethea held a long black staff and wore a suit of silver armor, accompanied with a long scrap of red fabric dangling from her waist and between her legs. It was an unusual accessory for a Sangheili; but she wore it in modesty, not wanting the males of her kind to stare where they should not. After all; while her kind were in trust with the Covenant, the Prophets had banned all females from battle because they were thought as "incapable" or "A distraction". Now that they were not bound by that rule, her presence in her brothers' ranks sometimes drew many unwanted gazes. She smirked slightly when one of the humans passing her went wide eyed and proceeded to stare. No mere piece of clothing could keep them from staring. Like her situation with them; they had never seen a female Sangheili. She probably seemed as strange to them as they were to her. Suddenly, an odd sound came to ear and Rethea jolted to a stop in the hallway. Her slender form stiffened and she tilted her head to the side when she realized the sound was a form of music. Interesting.....she was not aware humans indulged in musical entertainment. Stepping foreword again she came to a doorway, where a human male strummed away on a strange instrument. The song was foreign to her and struck her curiosity, making her stand silently before him and listen intently to the notes. All thoughts of finding her team went to the back of her mind.