The team rushed to get clear of the explosive as soon as Bit gave the word. The rebels were closer than twenty seconds behind, but all it took was some suppressing fire from the team to keep them at bay long enough for the detonation. True to Bit's mode of operation, the explosion was strong enough to shake the hallway, and collapse both parts of the ceiling and floor beneath. With parts of the floor above crashing in to fill the gap, the hallway behind them was now impassable, at least in any decent amount of time. Unfortunately, they did not have time to stop and rest, as they were very nearly at the data center. The ran forward as fast as their legs could carry them until they reached the correct door on the right side of the hall. The door was locked down, but once again, Bit's talents got them through rather readily. There were only two armed guards, both of which were cut down quickly by a torrent of plasma. The other four in the room were unarmed, and behaving rather differently from one another. Two were in one corner and had their hands up immediately as soon as the team stepped into the room, while the other two had been closer to the guards, and only surrendered once the team's weapons were trained on them. Rareth regarded the four suspiciously, but she was not about to execute unarmed prisoners. It could be that they were hostages, like the mechanic from before. "Get them secured, I'll work on the the terminal." Rareth ordered as she rushed over to the computer.