The rush down the hall was truly flying by the seat of the squad's collective pants. Shiva flipped her bipod back against her weapon and sprinted as fast as she could, only stopping momentarily at a doorframe to send some plasma back towards their pursuers. The explosion was such a shock that it almost made her lose her footing, but they were safe for now. The door to the data centre was breached and secured quickly, and barring any surprise assaults, it seemed as if they would have the time to deal with their objective. Shiva kept her weapon raised at the civilians while Rareth went for the terminal. "Understood." She turned her attention to the civilians who weren't in the corner, "Alright! You two! Hands against the wall, now!" As soon as they complied, Shiva put her assault weapon away and switched to her pistol so she could deal with them more easily. With the others around as cover, they were able to search frisk each hostage for any weapons and put them collectively in a secure corner of the room. They weren't in any position to escort them to safety just yet, but that wasn't their primary objective right now. "Rareth, how long to we have left on that jammer?" Shiva asked.