Shuo managed to drop one more of the traitorous bastards before he figured he had to move. After all the lizard could just teleport so he supposed that only really left him to get through the door. He backed out of his crouching position still taking shots back at the now massing force of enemies. Once he firgured that he was about half way to the door he began running towards the entrance. Figuring that on the other side there would be close quarters he managed to press the button again and his weapon began shifting around his hands whilst he gripped it tightly and ran. He could do nothing but watch as his directional indicators light up and his shields started draining. He made it through the door intact however and when Bit promptly blew the hallway nearly in half he got on the move towards the control room. After taking point in the room breaching he was quick to close the gap to the two less than compliant engineers. Shiva secured one while Shuo went over and quickly secured the other one. This one was a Human male however and he was acting like he had some sort of death wish. "Hand's behind your head now!" Shuo asserted over his speakers. "Fuuuck you, you Sovr-" The man said just before Shuo put a rifle butt into the man's head. Shuo was rather curious as to what the man expected to accomplish by defying someone cyberneticly augmented and nearly 3 feet taller than them. Never the less he picked up the now unconscious man and Helped Shiva in securing the others. " Make it quick, the longer we stay here the less likely the hostages make it out of here."