That night would be the so called [i]big night[/i]. It was the night her and Jay were going to free Liam from his wrongful imprisonment. That way Liam and Sarina would never be separated again. Sarina would be able to protect Liam for the rest of her life; she would never let him get hurt ever again. The young woman stood outside of the building once again, by now, she had changed into a jumpsuit that would allow her to move freely and it wouldn’t get caught on anything or drag behind her like other clothes. That and her lightweight, tactical boots would help her sneak in and out swiftly and quietly without being detected. Jay stood behind her with his hood up hiding his orange-colored hair and most of his face. “You ready for this, Sarina?” He was nervous for both of them, but mostly her; if she got caught she would end up imprisoned like Liam, or worse. He would probably just end up getting killed. As much faith as he had in her, there was no knowing what could happen, especially with Liam in the state he was in. “I mean, I know you are, but make sure you keep your focus, I’ll be right behind you the whole time.” Sarina said not a word but nodded her head, she then simply headed towards the door, stopping only to let Jay knock on the door so there plan could be set in motion. Jay’s fist met the door, knocking quite hard on it a few times, instead of using the doorknocker. The door’s window opened and a different guard with a more gruff voice spoke. The asylum guard spoke Italian in a deep voice. “Who are you? Why have you come to this place?” “We’ve come for the boy” When the words left the young man’s mouth, he and Sarina switched places. Her hand moved across the open window, held loosely and leaving a faint glowing trail of light behind it as she whispered, “[i]dormeo.[/i]” Dim light illuminated the man’s eyes as her hand passed the window, once the spell had been cast the man dropped to the ground, in a deep sleep. In that moment, she placed her other hand close to where the lock would be on the other side of the door. A glowing orange orb developed from her palm and began to melt the thick metal. Despite the seriousness of the situation, Sarina couldn’t help but smirk at her ability to use magic; she never imagined it would help her like this to save Liam. It seemed magic wasn’t just for fighting after all. [i] Don’t worry Liam, we are coming, just hold out a little longer[/i] She and Jay rushed into the place when the door creaked open; the hallways were dark and empty as Sarina led her friend and partner through them to get to where Liam was being held. It didn’t seem anyone was around, except for the restless souls in their holding cells that made noise as the two passed. The point of her entering the asylum before was simply to be able to learn the layout of the place, and enable her to know how to get to where she now knew Liam was being kept. “Hey!” A voice called out from behind the two. Someone had come from an adjacent hallway they had just passed. With anger in her eyes, Sarina turned, dashing forward, and drawing her sword, placing the tip of her blade at the person’s throat. The girl who stared, wide-eyed, at Sarina was only slightly older than Sarina and Jay. “I-I’m sorry I didn’t mean to startle you.” Jay stopped when Sarina had; he spoke to the newcomer in Italian since they were, in fact, in Italy and no one spoke English. “Who are you? A caretaker here? Speak quickly or I might not be able to stop my friend from harming you.” “My name is Rose. I am a caretaker here. I mostly take care of the boy that she came to see today. He told me once his name is Liam. He doesn’t speak to me anymore, I can hardly go near him” Her face seemed almost sad as she told the duo about what had become of Liam. “Please believe me when I say I want to help you!” “Quiet down!” Sarina hissed at the girl. Her sword made a clicking sound as she secured it back into its sheath. “I believe you, you wouldn’t dare cross me, would you, girl?” “No, no please, let me help you. There are two men in the boy’s cell, if you just burst in they may harm you, but I have a key” She held out a rusty old key with a rusty, once golden, key on it. “Take this, surprise them. Please just take him out of here so he doesn’t have to suffer any more.” What Sarina saw in the woman was something she had seen in herself at one point, innocence, and a deep caring for Liam. But she couldn’t let herself get soft now, she couldn’t let her guard down. Swiping the key from the woman’s hand she nodded her head in appreciation and kept moving quickly and quietly to Liam’s cell. They arrived a minute after encountering the woman. “Deep underground, a demon waits to be freed by his angel.” Jay whispered jokingly beside Sarina. She shot him an angry glance and shook her head, moving forward to open the door with the key. “Sorry… you go left, I’ll go right. Be careful” Together they pulled the door open and darted in. Sarina moved toward one of the men who was harming her friend, the one on the left side, and leg swept him. Once the man was on the ground she drew her sword and stabbed it through his chest, kneeling beside him to glare into his eyes until the life left them. Jay flicked his wrists and his hidden blades came out, with a sadistic smirk on, he only needed to take two quick steps forward to repeatedly stab the man in the stomach with his assassin weapons. Once they were dead, Sarina took to kneeling before Liam. Jay stood in the door way, making sure no one came. “Liam, I don’t know if you can hear me… or if you’re even there.” She stared into his eyes full of hatred and bloodlust. “But I’m going to get you out of here, now. No more pain, I promise” By now she had dropped into English, hoping he would understand his first language. But it didn’t seem to faze him at all, he just stared blankly, like a doll. With a heavy sigh, and an even heavier heart, Sarina stood and used her blade to cut the chains and the bolts that held the iron maiden around Liam’s torso. “There… you’re free”