[indent](Image provided by: [b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/844]AmongHeroes[/url][/b])[/indent]
[b]Special: Holiday Fun with Guild Crashes[/b]
[hider=Guild Crashes Update][indent]First off, the update – mahz is aware of a problem with the cache that he is working on repairing, but there is no actual deadline for when he manages to complete the fix. There it is, stark and realistic. What's more, as the holiday season really kicks off and people are now coming off school semesters and onto their breaks, we'll probably see more traffic and, ergo, more crashes.

There endeth the announcement about Guild stability. What follows is editorial.

The mod team doesn't like this any more than you do. We have our roleplays, believe it or not, and actually care if you guys are happy, contrary to the sentiments sometimes expressed. ;)

In the last months, the Guild's stability has been a hot topic. And in a sense, the whole problem for some has been encapsulated in the following:


Well, obviously we say stay, for a variety of reasons, and we thank those that have stuck with us. Others have made it clear they're going – good luck and hopefully we'll see you again.

Part of the problem of this discussion, in IRC, on Facebook and even on the Guild itself in the News section and other areas is that the conversation often turns acrimonious or, as I like to call it, 'a Derpbate' where people getting their fifth or sixth comments on the thread are back and forthing with someone else in a beef that often is more about the egos than the issue.

The Mods get caught up in this too, because some people are busily 'defending' us by telling anyone with a complaint to 'shut the hell up' or something similar, 'be grateful you have anything, you rabble-rousing reprobate!' Sometimes, these rousing defenses are well-intentioned (not always). However, they are counterproductive and don't even represent our views, so we wind up having to put out the fire after the flame-baiting. So I'll make myself clear and speak for the other mods -- we don't think that the solution to the Guild's problems is 'shut the hell up.' None of us hold that line.

Generally, we try to keep our mouths shut and our hand light, but we also feel like we have to speak out, especially when we are misrepresented, whether it's by someone critical of us or someone that's become our unsolicited 'spokesperson.' Hopefully, that sets the record straight. The Guild does have a stability issue, trying to bludgeon people into complacent silence isn't going to work because we're a (fairly) free community that allows people to express their views.

Some of you are about to say, “But what about the topic in News?” Well, we did wind up closing that because it was four or five people on their fifth or sixth comments and then hiding that because the problems with the Guild were on display as people managed to get their comments in despite the closure. But to give you an insight into the mod staff's discussion of the topic, the consensus was, “We should keep an eye, but keep this open because it's healthy to let people have their say.” It wasn't always pleasant reading, and some people (think of Jorick, Brovo and Kaga here) had every reason to be dissatisfied and vocal in their dissatisfaction regarding problems with the Guild that are ongoing.

But justification or not, the tone of these discussions needs to remain civil. Passionate and being generally in it for the gratification of flame-baiting with a sense of impunity, insulting people with the justification that they are 'defending the guild' are two different things. And insulting people for saying the Guild needs to be fixed (which it does) to the point where people are not merely leaving, but are going, “Well screw all y'all” on the way out is not what the management actually wants.

We're trying to keep people here. We're trying to keep a community together in tough circumstances. 

So disagree, discuss, but try not to be dicks. I know, it's the internet, and that's a tall order. But try. ;)

Oh, and please don't go speaking for us. What you say is on you. We have enough trouble worrying about what we say being on us without having people putting more words into our mouths.

[b]New Guild Features[/b][indent] – Brand new policy regarding posts in the News section owing to recent events; [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2235556]Here[/url]
– While the Guild is down, the best place to get updates and information remains the Guild Chat on IRC (the place the page directs you to when the page goes down): [url=http://widget02.mibbit.com/?settings=c2129339a43d8c49d86c34fa8dff7610&server=irc.foonetic.net&channel=%23Roleplayerguild]you can join by clicking this[/url] or logon to irc.foonetic.net and /join #RoleplayerGuild if you have an IRC client already (or just find Harsh's taste in colors to be atrocious.) Bear in mind that the mods do not run the chat, and there is a separate set of rules that govern the place -- they can be found [url= http://goo.gl/TUzJ1w]here.[/url][/indent]
[b]New RPGN Features[/b][indent] – “Thought Experiment” is now replacing “Ask Away” as our reader response feature. Thought Experiment is a 'what if' scenario for your characters.[/indent]
[b]In Their Words: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/6165]Keyguyperson[/url][/b]
[indent]The Elements of a Successful Nation RP: an interview with prolific NRP GM, [b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/6165]Keyguyperson[/url][/b], conducted by [b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/844]AmongHeroes[/url][/b].[/indent]
[hider=The Interview]
[b]AmongHeroes[/b]- Today I have the honor of speaking with Keyguyperson for our latest installment of the RPGN interview. Keyguyperson, since you have one of RPG’s most participated in Nation RP, I’d really like to hear what you think makes a successful NRP? First off, have you GM’ed many of these styles of RP?

[b]Keyguyperson[/b]- I've GM'ed quite a few, although the majority of those are sequels and reboots. I mostly GM roleplays like my current one, which is a freeform sci-fi nation RP.

[b]AmongHeroes[/b]- Being that you've done this style of RP before, in your opinion, what draws players to a more Nation/freeform style of RP?

[b]Keyguyperson[/b]- Well, being drawn to a Nation-style roleplay is really just personal opinion, but freeform is a somewhat more complicated topic. My current RP is much, much more freeform than one would expect, mainly due to its setting. As it is set in space, members are free to create any sort of nation they want. The possible draw someone could feel to this is quite obvious, as they can more or less do whatever they want.

[b]AmongHeroes[/b]- Your last statement does bring a question to mind: with an RP based around a principle of freedom, is it a challenge to keep the RP in check? That is to say, do you have any issues with people being too powerful or influential?

[b]Keyguyperson[/b]- Oh yes, that's the most common problem in my roleplay. If you're making a roleplay as free as mine, you honestly cannot expect to be able to keep everything in check alone. A lot of things split through, luckily, my playerbase is good at catching these things. Without them there to help, there's no way my roleplay would have any sort of fairness to it at all.

[b]AmongHeroes[/b]- Oh I'm sure. Every RP benefits from having a devoted and open-minded player base. Do your players than drive the plot entirely? Or do you add some yourself?

[b]Keyguyperson[/b]- Well, the players most definitely drive the majority of the plot. I'm actually in the IC too, and therefore I do have impact on the overall plot. However, if someone wants to go have a war, I'm not going to hop in and stop them to force my own plot on them, not anymore at least.

[b]AmongHeroes[/b]- I can certainly understand that. So, for a player interested in creating and GMing their own NRP, do you have any advice? I will say, that some of the work that is involved can seem quite daunting.

[b]Keyguyperson[/b]- To create and GM a roleplay means to commit yourself to it, you don't just make a roleplay, then hand it off to one of your friends if you lose interest. You really have to stick with it, and that's a lot of work. Creating a roleplay? All you need for that is an idea. GMing one? For that, you need to be able to stick with it no matter what.

[b]AmongHeroes[/b]- I think that advice can certainly be applied to any RP. I noticed you have a wiki associated with you RP as well. Do you try to update plot points that other players have introduced?

[b]Keyguyperson[/b]- The wiki is terrible outdated by now, mainly because very few people really use it. I usually like other people to put in their plot points, because I could misinterperet them to get details wrong. Since so few people use it, it's rarely updated. I am going to put up some major updates related to my plot points, though.

[b]AmongHeroes[/b]- I see. So, if a player had a similarly expansive universe, such as yours, do you think the wiki is a helpful investment of time?

[b]Keyguyperson[/b]- I definitely think that a wiki is helpful, and worth the investment. When a roleplay gets as many IC posts as mine, it becomes even harder than usual to search for historic events in the IC if you want to reference something. It also helps with hard to spell names, which, being a sci-fi freeform roleplay, mine gets a lot of.

[b]AmongHeroes[/b]- That makes sense. Going along with the topic of supplemental information, do you think other tools like maps, for instance, are another worthwhile endeavor?

[b]Keyguyperson[/b]- Yes, I do. I'm trying to get a map out right now, though I've had trouble finding the time and information to do so. There are a lot of problems that can be solved with a map and other tools. The map specifically can end so many arguments, and prevent them as well.

[b]AmongHeroes[/b]- I had not thought of that last point, and being a visual player myself, I imagine I'll use that in my own RP experience. I've been a part of several NRP's, but I've never GMed one. For a person that is looking to join an NRP, perhaps for the first time, do you have any advice on making a workable faction to play?

[b]Keyguyperson[/b]- That's one of the hardest parts of an NRP, making your faction. Personally, what I like to do is think more about the culture and people in the faction than how I'll balance it. Once I've done that, I can look through my description of it to find ways to make it balanced. However, I usually don;t put much emphasis on balance, and much more on the story. Balance is still important, don't get me wrong. Without it, the story wouldn't be able to work because one faction would just dominate the others. Still, I personally like to emphasise the story.

[b]AmongHeroes[/b]- So, in the vein of balance, do you think that putting too much detail into creating a faction can actually be detrimental? I would think that too much technical detail, for instance, right out of the gate could cause problems with balance. Would you agree?

[b]Keyguyperson[/b]- Yes, if you specify exactly how powerful everything you have is, then it will almost inevitably lead to balance problems. Even if you do balance your technical data with the data of others, there will inevitably be somebody that makes sure that their specs are simply better than yours.

[b]AmongHeroes[/b]- It sounds to me as if the story is king in your RP's, over technical detail. Would that be a good assumption?

[b]Keyguyperson[/b]- Yes, the story is most definitely the center of the roleplay. Technical detail is allowed, but it is usually discarded for the sake of the story. It's all nice to know how many megatons your missiles are, but having your famous team of crack pilots dodge them is far more interesting than relying on the data alone.

[b]AmongHeroes[/b]- Well said. I know from my own experiences in NRP's that an over-relience on details, as you said, can truly hinder the story. With that, we simply can't end the interview without a shameless plug for your RP. Would you mind giving a brief description of it, and whether or not you're still accepting factions? I'm sure there are readers who would want to know.

[b]Keyguyperson[/b]- My NRP is From Stardust, To Stardust. It's a sci-fi fantasy nation roleplay that doesn't really have any specific theme for plot. War stories, space opera, anything really. We're always accepting, mainly because there's a good excuse for nations popping in due to the setting. Writing standards are pretty relaxed, all that we ask is that your writing is readable and at least about a paragraph per post. If you are thinking about joining, just be warned that this roleplay is a wild ride.

[b]AmongHeroes[/b]- Sounds great to me! Thank you so much for your time, Keyguyperson. It was a pleasure.

[b]Keyguyperson[/b]- The pleasure is all mine, it was wonderful to be able to participate in this interview!

[b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/61174/posts/ooc]-Link to From Stardust, To Stardust-[/url][/b][/hider]
[b]Thought Experiment[/b][indent]Thinking about the what ifs for characters can be quite fun and a great way to figure out and learn who exactly your character is. Considering the given situation below let's share and discuss how you think one of your current or past character would respond.

How would your character react and do if they were to wake up one morning as the opposite sex with no given explanation? How would a situation like that play out?
[b]Up and Coming[/b][indent]Interest checks are often the first stage in recruiting players for an RP, and a really good one can net you a lot of applicants. These are some of the interest checks that caught our attention recently. Best of all, they're looking for players![/indent]
[hider=Notable Interest Checks][b]Free Interest Check[/b][indent]- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/65682/posts/ooc]Banchou Battles[/url] by [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/9166]TheHangedMan[/url][/indent]
[b]Casual Interest Check[/b][indent]- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/72972/posts/ooc]Protectors of the Sword[/url] by [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/72972/posts/ooc]Teknonick[/url][/indent]
[b]Advanced Interest Check[/b][indent]- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/72751/posts/ooc]The Aesteria Chronicles[/url] by [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/1331]vietmyke[/url][/indent]
[b]Tabletop Roleplay Interest Check[/b][indent]- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/73378/posts/ooc?page=1#post-2269506]Pathfinder, anyone?[/url] - GM: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/2407]Bad Wolf[/url][/indent]
[b]Nation Interest Check[/b][indent]- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/72024/posts/ooc]Amongst Gods[/url] by [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/6244]Jeddaven[/url][/indent]
[b]1x1 Interest Check[/b][indent]- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/32483/posts/ooc?page=1]Fandoms I am Currently Craving[/url]- GM: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/39]Genkai[/url][/indent][/hider]
[b]Current and Cool[/b][indent]Roleplays on this list have already started (but may still be recruiting, please consult the GM) and also caught our attention; the hard work the GM and players put in to setting up the RP, writing their sheets and hashing out the details have paid off and now they're writing their in-character (IC) posts.[/indent]
[hider=Notable Roleplays][b]Free[/b][indent]- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/528/posts/ooc]Myriad Reality[/url] by TheWorld/DarkWolfX37/souleaterfan320[/indent]
[b]Casual[/b][indent]- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/65034/posts/ooc]The Relics[/url] by [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/107]Ellri[/url][/indent]
[b]Advanced[/b][indent]- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/71672/posts/ooc]Star Wars Revanchism[/url] by [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/9]HeySeuss[/url] (No, I didn't freakin' nominate myself. :rolleyes )[/indent]
[b]Tabletop Roleplay[/b][indent]- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/71118/posts/ic]Game Dev Tycoon Roleplay[/url] - GM: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/10882]DiamondBlizzard[/url][/indent]
[b]Nation[/b][indent]- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/61174/posts/ooc]From Stardust to Stardust[/url] by [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/6165]Keyguyperson[/url][/indent]
[b]1x1 Roleplay[/b]- [indent]- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/4212/posts/ic]Year One[/url] - Participants: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/2007]TheDookieNut[/url] & [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/1460]El Taco Taco[/url][/indent]
[b]Arena[/b][indent]- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/63719/posts/ooc]The Everlasting Arena[/url] by [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/1476]LeeRoy[/url][/indent][/hider]
[b]On Display[/b][indent] - Art: [b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/70107/posts/ooc]Community Challenge #3[/url][/b] - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/847]Touch of Insanity[/url] has started up the next Community Challenge and this time the theme is winter. With the deadline quickly approaching for when the submissions are due you best take a look so that you too can join in on the fun!
- Writing: [b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/72054/posts/ooc]Endless Saga - World Crusaders[/url][/b] - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/6073]Kael Taiyou[/url] has taken a unique approach to their writing by putting it into a video. With an interesting start to Ralf's adventures, we look forward to seeing future chapters![/indent]
[b]About RPGN[/b]
[indent][i]RPGN is produced by a volunteer staff of members of an elven labor protection and civil rights organization with the goal of bringing Guild members current and useful information about goings-on in our community. We are always accepting suggestions on categories and content. We're particularly interested in displaying people's artwork as a banner (and will fully credit it and link your gallery -- woo). For more information, feel free to [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/5597]PM RPGN.[/url] [/i][/indent]
[Hider=Get Involved][b]Get Involved![/b][indent]Do you make banners? Are you a circa-1995 big-haired news reporter with a 'SCOOP?' Here are some of the ways you can help with our next issue of RPGN:
 - [b]RPGN banners[/b] - Be creative, do what you want! Get exposure (we credit banners). Submissions should be 700x200px, please!
 - [b]Let us know if your RP has a birthday coming up or is successfully concluded[/b] -- We want to give credit to the committment that both players and GM are showing in keeping their RP's going strong in the long-term.
 - [b]Player Questions[/b] - A user-submitted question will be answered on the Guild News, with the hope that it will inspire a larger discussion. Submit your question today in the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/5597]RPGN[/url] PM box!
 - [b]We are Recruiting Staff[/b] - If you wish to be involved in the next edition of the RPGN, please hit up the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/5597]RPGN[/url] PM box! (Note: You will be cut into the loop for the issue after the upcoming one, so if you PM between today (12.19) and the next issue you will be working on that issue. The way the PM system works, we need to have who is doing the work set a couple weeks in advance. In the event of a large number of applicants, we will establish a queue for subsequent issues.)[/indent]
 [/hider][hider=RPGN Staff][b]RPGN Staff[/b] [i](in order of arrests for subversion in Santa's Workshop)[/i][indent]
 [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/383]Lillian Thorne[/url]
Incendiary pamphlets, seditious anti-Santa, pro-labor speech and banner provided by: [b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/844]AmongHeroes[/url][/b][/hider]