[b]Tana Carro[/b] Species: Human Age: 22 Gender: Female [b]Appearance[/b] Height - 5'6'' Weight - 104 pounds Skin tone - White, with a tan Hair color - Sandy brown Hair style - A simple pony tail Eye color - Green [b]Clothing[/b] Tana wears a simple orange mechanic's jumpsuit, with black combat boots, and a leather belt. [b]Weapons[/b] Tana proudly wears her PR-X Kilo Energy Pistol on her belt. [b]Skills/Abilities[/b] Tana is one of the finest mechanics in her sector. She can fix just about anything you give her. Along with this, she can haggle with the best, and is a decent shot. [b]Background[/b] Growing up in the slums of Earth, Tana learned to fend for herself from a very early age. Ever since she was old enough to work, she was performing odd jobs for neighbors. These ranged from courier tasks to beating the sense into people. However, it was not until she was 16 when she found her true calling. A real tough looking Rothian by the name of Shiden'hem landed in town, saying he would pay big money for someone to fix his ship. Although Tana knew very little about engineering and mechanics, she was determined to be the person to collect that reward. Naturally, she made a promise to the Rothian that his ship would be fixed in a week. A week and tons of research later, the ship was fixed. Tana was immensely proud of herself, and the Rothian was most impressed. In fact, Shiden'hem was so impressed, he asked Tana to come with him as his ship's official mechanic. Tana was skeptical at first, but then she saw how much her salary would be. That was too big of an opportunity to turn down, so she took the job, and left Earth. Tana and the rest of Shiden'hem's crew traveled the cosmos together for a few years, until something went wrong. The navigator had made a massive miscalculation, and had the ship in the middle of an asteroid field. Tana did her best to save the ship, but couldn't. She and a few other crewman were the only survivors. From then until now, Tana has been doing freelance mechanic work.